For the latter, a stock of fifty-three aircraft were reworked with large caliber guns firing from portside and carried the designation of AC-47 "Spooky". The XCG-17 was an offshhot development of the C-47 and developed as an assault glider. It only reached prototype form and first flew...
'Spooky' the AC-47 GunshipBig DC-3 Lamp Collection100 DC-3/C-47 Photo's The DC-3 in South AfricaPanAm DC-3 Stewardess StoryThe DC-3 in Cuba C-47 Stories by Roland RogersThe C-47 in HondurasDC-3 on Chevy-Truck Wheels Radio Control DC-3H. Short R4D/DC-3 CollectionBuffalo Airways...
One of the most famous airplanes ever built, the 'Skytrain', more commonly called the 'Gooney Bird', saw action in three wars - something only a handful of aircraft can claim. Other nicknames that stuck on this Douglas product were: Dakota, Dizzy Three and Spooky. Used in every theater ...
1961. Directed by Montgomery Pittman written by Rod Serling. Stars John Hoyt, Jean Willes, Jack Elam, Barney Phillips, John Archer, William Kendis, Morgan Jones, Gertrude Flynn, Bill Irwin, Jill Ellis and Ron Kipling