1.Outline the structural diversity of lipids. 2.Examine the biophysical characteristics of lipids. 3Outline the biochemical synthesis of fatty acids, The third major class of lipids The three cyclohexane rings (A, B, C) are connected to a cyclopentane ring (D). Significantly d...
Digestion_absorption_and_assimilation_ppt Digestion,absorptionandassimilation Digestion •Thepurposeofdigestionistobreakdownfoodintosmallsolublemolecules Large,insolublefoodmoleculeEnzymeresponsiblefordigestionSmall,solublefoodmoleculeLocationofdigestion Aminoacids MouthandsmallintestineLipase •Thepurposeofdigestionisto...
When bile was diverted but with infusion of sodium taurocholate, the lymphatic absorption of lipids did not differ. The present study provides evidence that dietary CN enhances the rates and amounts of lymphatic absorption of αTOH and fat in OX rats. Our findings suggest that dietary CN may...