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Define Absolute power. means a power to invade trust assets for the benefit of a beneficiary that is not limited by a specific or ascer- tainable standard, whether or not the term “absolute” is used in the trust instrument. “Absolute power” includes
1 a :free from imperfection:perfect b :free or nearly free from mixture:pure absolutealcohol 2 :free from restraint or limitation absolutepower anabsolutemonarch 3 :having no exceptions anabsoluterequirement absolutefreedom 4 :free from doubt:certain ...
meaning fundamental rights of india union territories of india capitals of seven sisters of india most populated states in india biology microbiology ecology zoology photosynthesis formulas maths formulas algebra formulas trigonometry formulas geometry formulas cbse sample papers cbse sample papers for class ...
and Apple will refund any applicable purchase price for the mobile application to Customer. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Apple has no other warranty obligation with respect to the Product. Apple is not responsible for addressing any claims by Customer or any third party relat...
absolutepower/authority 无上权力;绝对权威 牛津词典 anabsoluteruler/monarchy (= one with no limit to their power) 独裁统治者;专制君主 牛津词典 Although prices are falling inabsoluteterms , energy is still expensive. 尽管能源的绝对售价在下降,但仍然昂贵。
In this paper, we investigate the absolute instability of a cylindrical thread, modeled as a power law fluid, falling under gravity surrounded by an inviscid medium. Particular attention is paid to investigating the effects of the gas-to-liquid density ratio and the Reynolds number as well as ...
Step 1:Enter the number in the respective input field Step 2:Now click the button “Solve” to get the result Step 3:Finally, the absolute value of the given number will be displayed in the output field What is Meant by the Absolute Value?
Define Absolute Nonsense. Absolute Nonsense synonyms, Absolute Nonsense pronunciation, Absolute Nonsense translation, English dictionary definition of Absolute Nonsense. n. 1. Words or signs having no intelligible meaning: a message that was nonsense unt
Our main result is Equation (2), see Section 2.3, which relates proportion of males caught in a pheromone-baited trap (spTfer) to distance (r) from the trap and plume reach (D). The equation predicts steep, power law-like decline of trap catches with increasing distance from the trap ...