absolute power an absolute monarch 3 : having no exceptions an absolute requirement absolute freedom 4 : free from doubt : certain absolute proof 5 a : independent of standards of measurement that reflect individual choice : actual absolute brightness of a star absolute motion b ...
ABSOLUTE meaning: 1 : complete and total often used informally to make a statement more forceful sometimes used with the most; 2 : not limited in any way
Kids Definition absolute adjective ab·so·lute ˈab-sə-ˌlüt ˌab-sə-ˈlüt 1 a : free from imperfection : perfect b : free or nearly free from mixture : pure absolute alcohol 2 : free from restraint or limitation absolute power an absolute monarch 3 ...
However, they erred in believing that Trump actually cares about anyone other than himself and his pursuit of corrupt and absolute power in all its many forms. FromSalon But the conviction among those running United is absolute that the changes needed to be made. ...
absolute•Reliancewas also placed upon the power ofabsoluteandimmediatedistressin thestatute.•As long as Robert Hirsh isalive,deejayswill never be at theabsolutebottomof thebarrel.•No one can say withabsolutecertaintythat theoilis there.•April10 is theabsolutedeadline.•The show was an...
Answer and Explanation: The absolute threshold refers to the minimum amount of stimulus needed so that we can sense and perceive it at least 50% of the time (e.g., how loud a... Learn more about this topic: Absolute Threshold | Definition & Examples ...
Standard Algorithm in Math | Meaning & Examples2:53 Standard Algorithm for Division3:25 Absolute Value: Lesson for Kids 3:07 Next Lesson Ascending Order Definition & Examples Decomposing in Math | Definition, Process & Examples3:24 Descending Order | Definition, Numbers & Examples3:35 ...
. Each Addenda is incorporated by reference into this Agreement. In the event of a conflict between the terms of this Agreement and an Addendum, the Addendum will control, but, in each case, only with respect to the Products or Services to which such Addendum relates. Any translation of thi...
their meaning. ‘mean’ refers to the average of the observations and deviation implies departure or variation from a preset standard. when put together, we can define mean deviation as the mean distance of each observation from the mean of the data. mean absolute deviation formula ratio of ...
Even though the W10 is the simplest, least costly W-series model, I would hesitate to call it an ‘entry-level’ earphone, because it is every inch a real Westone, meaning its design reflects a certain sonic seriousness of purpose that is part and parcel of the firm’s corporate DNA. ...