ASTHMA in childrenTASK forcesWHEEZEEOSINOPHILSPreschool children with wheezing disorders pose diagnostic and therapeutic challenges and consume substantial healthcare resources. Peripheral eosinophil blood count (EBC) has been proposed as a potential indicator for future asthma development. This review by the...
Hence, the relationship between eosinophils and other immune cells known to be involved in tumor immune surveillance is of considerable interest. Moreover, recent data suggest a divergent roles of eosinophils depending on the tumor histotype; although in different type of malignancies (e.g. melanoma...
What are eosinophils? They are white blood cells specialized in fighting parasites and certain diseases. They are also mediators of allergic responses and are associated with bronchial asthma development – they are used as markers of the severity of the disease. The name eosinophil or acidophil re...
ASTHMATICSSPUTUMBackground: Sputum eosinophils can be used to assess severity of disease and response to treatment in bronchial asthma. Eosinophilic inflammation in the airways can also be marked by blood eosinophilia. In this study, we tried to determine the sputum eosinophil...
EOSINOPHILSALLERGIESEARLY diagnosisATOPIC dermatitisOBJECTIVE: Atopic diseases are the most common chronic conditions in childhood. The best treatment for allergic disease is possible with early diagnosis. The purpose of the study was to assess the predictive value of total immunoglobu...
Patel AK and Nagpal TP (2014). Comparison of blood absolute eosinophil count and nasal smear eosinophils with symptoms and severity of clinical score in patients of allergic rhinitis. Indian Journal of Allergy Asthma and Immunology 28 74-7....
blood eosinophilsexacerbationsinhaled corticosteroidseosinophilIntroduction: The Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) 2019recommends the use of absolute blood eosinophil count as a guide for the escalation and de-escalationof inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) in the pharmacological ...