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The meaning of ABSCESS is a localized collection of pus surrounded by inflamed tissue. How to use abscess in a sentence.
the branch of dentistry that studies the prevention and correction of irregular teeth. —orthodontist,n.—orthodontic,adj. periodontics,periodontia the branch of dentistry that studies and treats disease of the bone, connecting tissue, and gum surrounding a tooth. —periodontist,n.— periodontic,adj...
The bacteria can enter the tooth when the enamel (outer part of the tooth) is damaged by tooth decay. Bacteria can also enter the tooth through a chip in the tooth or a cut in the gum. Food particles that are stuck between the teeth for a long time may also lead to an abscess....
A small boil orabscesson the gum, often resulting from tooth decay. 龈脓肿牙床上生的小疖或肿块, 常由龋牙引起. 期刊摘选 The irregular purple center is a collection of bacteria that are the cause for thisabscess. 图中不规则的紫褐色区域为引起该脓肿的细菌聚集. ...
2. the cheek. 3. the meat of the cheek of a hog. [before 1000; Middle English chawl, chavell, Old English ceafl jaw; c. dial. Dutch kavel gum] jowled, adj. jowl2 (dʒaʊl; sometimes dʒoʊl) n. 1. a fold of flesh hanging from the jaw, as of a person ...
You're relaxing after a day at work or spending time with your family when you feel a sharp pain in your mouth. If you have a history of dental problems – such as infection in gums, teeth or even cavities – the pain could be related to a dental abscess
UPDATE: My tooth felt great for about 6 weeks, but it has flared up again with 2 abscesses on the gum in front of it. I'm on day 2 of treating it with echinacea and goldenseal tincture again. Also using onion, garlic, and oregano and tea tree oils If anyone has dealt with recurri...
easily spread into the bone of the jaw. Likewise, if the gum around the tooth becomes infected, the tooth is at risk of damage as well. Some abscesses affect the pulp first and spread to the bone, while others affect the surrounding tissues of the gum and do not start in the pulp. ...
Symptoms of Tooth Abscess The most common symptoms of tooth abscesses are moderate to a severe toothache and swelling of the gum and mouth immediately surrounding the tooth if the tooth is still “living” and the root is healthy. Toothache is usually severe and makes the person very uncomforta...