If you have a history of dental problems – such as infection in gums, teeth or even cavities – the pain could be related to a dental abscess. There are two types of dental abscess: A periapical, or tooth abscess, affects the root of the tooth. The other typ...
There are two types of dental abscess: A periapical, or tooth abscess, affects the root of the tooth. The other type, a periodontal (gum) abscess, affects the gums. The latter usually occurs in severe cases of periodontal disease, when the gums have pulled away from...
A small boil or abscess on the gum, often resulting from tooth decay. 龈脓肿牙床上生的小疖或肿块, 常由龋牙引起. 来自期刊摘选 23. Strong gum and jaw bone, to reduce the spread of the disease. 强壮齿龈和颚骨, 减少疾病传染. 来自期刊摘选 24. To sweeten your oral cavity, you can have ...
A small boil or abscess on thegum, often resulting from tooth decay. 龈脓肿牙床上生的小疖或肿块, 常由龋牙引起. 期刊摘选 Stronggumand jaw bone, to reduce the spread of the disease. 强壮齿龈和颚骨, 减少疾病传染. 期刊摘选 To sweeten your oral cavity, you can have a piece of chewinggum....
gum abscesses During the first part of a dental check up your dentist may take what is called a ‘history’, which helps the dentist to build up a picture of your health and risk factors. You may be asked questions like these:
Gupta, DeekshaOral Health (0974-3960)
2) Use desensitizing toothpaste to relieve tooth sensitivity. You should consult your dentist before purchasing or using this type of toothpaste. 3) Use a “mouth guard” made by the dentist to avoid further attrition of teeth. Reference information: www.bjdental.com It is not intended as medi...
6.A bad tooth may cause an abscess on the gums. 6.一颗病牙可使牙床脓肿。 7.A parulis, or gum boil, may be present near the involved tooth. 7.在患病牙齿附近可见齿龈脓肿或齿龈疖。 8.My fingers gummed together as the sticky candy melted in my hand. 8.黏糖在我手化开了, 把我的手指...
A gum boil is medically called as Parulus or abscess. It is an itchy fluid that fills like a bump and appears to be painful on the gums. What Are Gum Boils? Gum boils, also known as a parulus, are drainage points for abscesses in the roots of teeth. When the nerve of a tooth ...
Dental abscesses can be in the form of infection of the pulp of the tooth (periapical abscess), infection of the gum and tissues surrounding the tooth (periodontal abscess) or a combination of both. If uncontrolled, dental abscesses can spread to become facial infections. Make an appointment ...