5“I am the vine. You are the branches. Those who live in me while I live in them will produce a lot of fruit. But you can’t produce anything without me. 约翰福音 15:4–5 — The Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB) 4RemaininMe,andIinyou.Justasabranchisunabletoproducefruitbyitse...
So do you want me to release to you the King of the Jews?” 40 They cried out again, “Not this man, but Barabbas!” Now Barabbas was a robber.[g] Footnotes John 18:5 Greek I am; also verses 6, 8 John 18:6 Greek he John 18:10 Or bondservant; twice in this ...
The Golden Calf - When the people saw that Moses was so long in coming down from the mountain, they gathered around Aaron and said, “Come, make us
5“Iamthevine;youarethebranches.IfyouremaininmeandIinyou,youwillbearmuchfruit;apartfrommeyoucandonothing. 约翰福音 15:4–5 — English Standard Version (ESV) 4Abideinme,andIinyou.Asthebranchcannotbearfruitbyitself,unlessitabidesinthevine,neithercanyou,unlessyouabideinme.5Iamthevine;youarethebranch...
审判巴比伦的预言 - 论到迦勒底人居住的巴比伦,耶和华对耶利米先知说: “你要向列国宣告, 你要竖起旗帜毫不隐瞒地宣告, ‘巴比伦要沦陷了! 它的神明彼勒必蒙羞, 米罗达必惊慌; 巴比伦的神像都蒙羞, 偶像都必惊慌。 因为有一个来自北方的国家要攻击它, 使它荒凉、人
John 18:12 Greek Ioudaioi probably refers here to Jewish religious leaders, and others under their influence, in that time; also verses 14, 31, 36, 38 John 18:18 Or bondservants; also verse 26 John 18:28 Greek the praetorium John 18:40 Or an insurrectionist Juan 18 Nueva Ve...