The meaning of ABFRACTION is a mechanism that is postulated to explain loss of tooth enamel and dentin in the part of a tooth between the crown and root in the absence of tooth decay; also : the narrow usually V-shaped area of tooth loss caused by abfrac
有的人爱咬硬食物或者晚上有磨牙齿习惯,牙本质暴露不但可发生在咬合面上,而且可发生在牙颈部上(Abfraction)。其它牙齿 …|基于4个网页 3. 脆裂 1.内部脆裂( Abfraction ) 1984 年,Lee和Eakle提出牙齿受合力时弯曲,产生的拉应力集中于牙颈部导致颈部晶体结构破坏, …|基于...
aberrometry Abeta42 Abeta, Aβ abetalipoproteinemia abevacuation abeyance abfraction ABG ability ability bias abiogenesis abiogenetic abiogenous Want to read the entire topic? Access up-to-date medical information for less than $1 a week Purchase a subscriptionI’m already a subscriber Browse sam...
A selection of abstracts of clinically relevant papers from other journals. The abstracts on this page have been chosen and edited by John R. Radford. 'abfraction should still be considered to be a theoretical concept...'
It notes that causes of abfraction include excessive chewing and or biting forces such as bruxism, erosion and corrosion. It also mentions that abfraction closely resembles with abrasion, which requires a detailed comprehensive examination to differentiate the two....
Modern dental practices frequently encounter patients who exhibit various forms of wear to the dentition. The wear may present as abfraction, abrasion, attrition, and/or erosion. During their lifetime, many people will experience the effects of one or more of these conditions. The stresses of tod...
A volume of 25,000 A-scans is collected in 2.5 s. All these recommend the SS-OCT method as a valuable tool for dynamic evaluation of the abfraction and attrition with remarkable potential for clinical use. 展开 关键词: Bicuspid Incisor Dental Enamel Humans Imaging, Three-Dimensional Tomography...
Many workers have suggested that abfraction lesion formation is caused by the physical overloading of enamel. However, an alternative mechanism, involving undermining of the cervical enamel along the amelodentinal junction (ADJ), may be a more realistic explanation. The aim of this study was to ...