Pereira AFV, Poiate AV, Poiate Jr E, Gomes WMJ. Abfraction lesions reviewed: current concepts. RGO. 2008;56(3):321-6.Vasconcelos Pereira AF, Andrea Venturini I, Poiate Junior E, Gomes Miranda JW. Abfraction lesions reviewed: current concepts. Revista Gaucha de Odontologia 2008; Vol 56 (...
This article discusses abfraction or disappearing tooth structure and how registered dental hygienists should handle abfraction lesions. Topics discussed include a study by Nascimento et al on the etiology, diagnosis, and treatment options for abfraction lesions, its recommendation on when abfractions shou...
Importantly, abfraction lesions have not been reported in pre-contemporary populations. It is important that oral health professionals understand that abfraction is still a theoretical concept, as it is not backed up by appropriate clinical evidence. It is recommended that destructive, irreversible ...
'abfraction should still be considered to be a theoretical concept...' Main Michael JA, Townsend GC et al. Aust Dent J 2009; 54: 2–8 Are non-carious cervical lesions (NCCLs) a consequence of abfraction? Examination of ancient skeletal remains have not found such tooth lesions although the...
Epigallocatechin-3-gallate prior to composite resin in abfraction lesions: a split-mouth randomized clinical trial Conclusions The application of EGCG solution on abfraction lesions did not significantly influence the survival of the restorations based on clinical and ... LVGL Alves,LM Fracasso,TV Cort...
Effect of root morphology on biomechanical behaviour of premolars associated with abfraction lesions and different loading types[J] . P. V. Soares,L. V. Souza,C. Veríssimo,L. F. Zeola,A. G. Pereira,P. C. F. Santos‐Filho,A. J. Fernandes‐Neto.J Oral Rehabil . 2014 (2)...
Abfraction lesions:myth or reality-. Rees JS,Jagger DC. Es-thet Restor Dent . 2003Rees JS, Jagger DC (2003). Abfraction lesions: myth or reality? J Esthet Restor Dent 15(5): 263-71.REES, J. S.; JAGGER, D. C. Abfraction Lesions: Myth or Reality? V.15, n.5, J. of Esth. ...
Non-carious cervical lesions are characterized by structural loss near the cementoenamel junction, without the presence of caries. A number of theories have arisen to explain the etiology of such lesions, although the real causes remain obscure, as is reflected by the contradictory terminology used ...
Abfraction lesions: myth or reality? J Esthet Restor Dent, 15(5): 263-271Abfraction lesions:myth or reality-. Rees JS,Jagger DC. Es-thet Restor Dent . 2003Rees JS, Jagger DC (2003). Abfraction lesions: myth or reality? J Esthet Restor Dent 15(5): 263-71....
Restoration of Abfraction Lesions: Results of a Four-Year StudyP. BRUNTON