【经典绘本正版授权】 熊猫博士斥资数千万独家引进美国原版Reading A-Z(RAZ)。 RAZ被誉为美国分级阅读的鼻祖,获奖无数,全球正在使用RAZ绘本的用户有超过800万,分别来自超过170个国家,总计阅读文章超过80亿次。 【核心特色】美国纯正发音,可听读、跟读、朗读和回放
【经典绘本正版授权】 熊猫博士斥资数千万独家引进美国原版Reading A-Z(RAZ)。 RAZ被誉为美国分级阅读的鼻祖,获奖无数,全球正在使用RAZ绘本的用户有超过800万,分别来自超过170个国家,总计阅读文章超过80亿次。 【核心特色】美国纯正发音,可听读、跟读、朗读和回放
Evaluation comments: “Teaches phonics and reading for preschool aged children with a step by step program.” “There is repetition in each activity to help the young child learn the concept. As the child goes through this program, they learn to read high-frequency sight words.” “Parents ar...
Besides the books which are already on my TBR, and hence known to me, there are others I had heard about and that interest me. David Marr’sKilling for countryfeels a bit close to home, but worth reading, as I too have “skin in the game”, as my brother calls it. The literary b...
‘Courtney Act Spectacular Suit’ is literally a program to brainwash children and try to confuse them on the topics of gender, sexuality, etc. and why a man in a dress is reading to children is also highly disturbing. I was supervising my nephew when this show came on…and wow. New lo...
‘Courtney Act Spectacular Suit’ is literally a program to brainwash children and try to confuse them on the topics of gender, sexuality, etc. and why a man in a dress is reading to children is also highly disturbing. I was supervising my nephew when this show came on…and wow. New lo...
We would love if you could reach out to us at info@readingeggs.com.au with some more details about your device and the bugs you experience, so we can resolve these for you an improve your experience of the program! Looking forward to hearing from you, Kind Regards, Reading Eggs Team. ...
*A step-by-step training program There are 25 levels on the app’s Learning Path. The journey of children from reading their first ABCs to full-fledged words is like a fantastic adventure across incredible islands. *All basic reading skills ...
Regular reading aloud by a parent or caregiver ensures that children are being exposed to the complexities of language and this develops language and many other skills they need. ABC Fun & 1-2-3combinesboth of the abovein an adult- & child-friendly weekly program that gentlyintroduces children...
ABC Little school comprehensive program of academic studies includes reading, social interaction, mathematics, science, computers, foreign language and the creative arts. Special field trips keep your child motivated, excited and full of expectations. Teachers are trained to observe, analyze and plan fo...