每天只需几分钟,人人都可免费使用多邻国的网站和移动应用学习超过 30 种的外语。小口小口啃外语,科学又有趣!
BOB Books 是一个系统的 Learn to Read Program,1976年第一次出版,直到今天,仍然居于亚马逊英语启蒙读物类榜首,在美国被称为“孩子自己读的第一本书”。 整套书通过简单、生动的小故事,带孩子循序渐进打下英语阅读的拼读基础,让孩子能读出和理解自己看到的文...
What Is ABC Fast Phonics?As a child struggling to learn to read, I was overwhelmed by the terminology of diphthongs, homonyms, synonyms and similes. And while my patient mother could tell me each word I didn't know, I would struggle with frustration until she'd decided I'd made ...
On the Islands “Words” a child will learn to create words from letters and read them. The original construction set, in which animated letters are combining in different words by themselves will help to remember the name and sound of all letters as well as master the reading of first word...
On the Islands “Words” a child will learn to create words from letters and read them. The original construction set, in which animated letters are combining in different words by themselves will help to remember the name and sound of all letters as well as master the reading of first word...
21 Lessons You Need to Learn or Teach How to Read $24.99 a month Master reading quickly and effectively with our Complete Reading Program, designed for adults and beginners alike. This streamlined series of 21 Lessons teaches you everything you need to read confidently, with no additional materi...
Self taught reading program teaches children and adults phonics and spelling in 3 weeks. Ages 5-90. Learn to read at home. Pictures help those with dyslexia. Teach yourself or someone else.
• Mathseeds Prime (ages 8–11): The next chapter of the renowned online maths program, ABC Mathseeds. Covering fractions, word problems, division, multiplication, angles and more. ABOUT THE ABC READING EGGS LEARN TO READ APP • TRUSTED: used in over 12,000 schools and trusted by Austral...
“There is repetition in each activity to help the young child learn the concept. As the child goes through this program, they learn to read high-frequency sight words.” “Parents are able to choose a level for their child- “beginner”, “knows some letters and sounds” or knows most ...
Learn More 1School selected by customer must be a designated participant in the ABC Program to receive donation payment. The 2¢ donation offer is valid 9/1/2024-8/31/2025. Offers may be changed or canceled without prior notice. Earned school payments will be paid on or before 10/15/...