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Metric Tonnes+ 1 Shipping,Business,Trade 25 Montana United States,Postal,State 20 Mechanical Transport Army,RAF,WW1 19 Metric Ton+ 1 Cargo Shipping,Trade,Transportation 18 Meitnerium Chemical Element,Chemistry,Chemical Elements 15 Motor Transport ...
The abbreviationLCLstands forLess than Container Load, a shipping term that refers to cargo that does not fill an entire container, allowing multiple shipments from different shippers to share the same container space. This practice is often used in international shipping to optimize costs and space...
MT Metric Tonnes Business, Trade, Environment AFSPS Arrival First Sea Pilot Station Chartering, Maritime, Transportation ETC Expected Time of Completion Planning, Business, ManagementWhat's Next? Explore Further…Discover Shipping Abbreviations: Dive deeper into a comprehensive list of top-voted Shipping...
MT Metric Tonnes Shipping, Business, Trade AC Alternating Current Technology, Energy, Automotive AFSPS Arrival First Sea Pilot Station Shipping, Chartering, MaritimeWhat's Next? Explore Further…Discover Finance Abbreviations: Dive deeper into a comprehensive list of top-voted Finance Acronyms and Abbrev...