abbreviation SI derived from the French Le Syst me International d Unit s is used in all languages On Dec 23 1975 Public Law 94 168 The Metric Conversion Act of 1975 was signed by President Ford committing the United States to a coordinated voluntary conversion to the metric system of ...
unitabbreviationnumber of gramsapproximate U.S. equivalent Mass and weightmetric tont1,000,0001.102 short tons gramg10.035 ounce centigramcg0.010.154 grain milligrammg0.0010.015 grain microgramμg0.0000010.000015 grain unitsymbolphysical quantityexpressed in base units ...
unit abbreviation number of grams approximate U.S. equivalent Mass and weight metric ton t 1,000,000 1.102 short tons gram g 1 0.035 ounce centigram cg 0.01 0.154 grain milligram mg 0.001 0.015 grain microgram μg 0.000001 0.000015 grain unit symbol physical quantity expressed in base...