5、安装程序询问安装license还是product,选安装license,->next;弹出Abaqus Licensing安装界面,填入自己的hostname,->next ;6、安装程序询问license的安装方式,选择下面的那种:即“just install the licenseing utilities”,再next,选择安装路径:c:\ABAQUS,然后next;过一会儿,安装程序提醒你“FLEXlm...
ABAQUS Error: Problem during compilation - df.exe not found in PATH. ABAQUS/Analysis exited with errors offshorean答: fortran没有设置正确,把fortran卸掉重装 安装fortran的进度条大约到96%的时候 询问是否同意用默认的环境变量(具体我记不清了) 重新选一下,好象是选“是”就可以了问: 我重新安装后再...
Abaqus CAE Cannot connect to license server system The license server manager(1mgrd) has not been started yet, the wrong port@host or 1icense file is being used, or the port or hostname in the 1icense file has been changed. Feature: cae Server name: License path:278000@1oca...
B. 通过instance→merge 得到的组合体part,应注意检查section 是否被准 确赋予,有可能出现section (not found)的情况。这时候要重新赋予截 面属性。 C .另外一种方法赋予截面是通过组(set )策略对已经创建的组合实例 instance 的不同部分赋予不同的属性。 六. Mesh 划分网格和设置单元类型 1 网格划分的基本步骤...
r GYE 填入自己的hostname ->next A& Jm:LT.?$h4C 安装程序询问license的安装方式,选择下面的那种,即“just install the licenseing utilities” ,F9s?z g 选下一步 .B mq-n 9、 RC;A S填入你要安装license软件的目录,比如是C:abaqus,选下一步,安装程序自动在这个目录下生成一个License目录。 #...
if ["%config_arg_found%"] == ["1"] ( if [%configpath%] == [""] ( echo :: ERROR: --config option specified but no config filename provided. call :Usage goto :eofCleanup ) if NOT EXIST %configpath% ( echo :: ERROR: --config file not found: %configpath% call ...
? ? ? X2\ Q Ws ABAQUS Error: Problem during compilation - df.exe not found in PATH. #]-Mo@)soSimWe仿真论坛ABAQUS/Analysis exited with errorsfortran没有设置正确,把fortran卸掉重装 ]ZMWBq7_Y|S|仿真|设计|有限元|虚拟仪器安装fortran的进度条大约到96%的时候v} UN W,r4...
Status:Warning-FoundCompaqVisualFortran6.5.Thiscompiler shouldworkwithABAQUS/UsersubroutinesandABAQUS/Make; however,ithasnotbeentestedwithABAQUS/Usersubroutines andABAQUS/MakebythetimeofthisABAQUSrelease. 出现这个问题的朋友好好研究一下吧。) 2、先安装ABAQUS6.5Documents这张光盘。 3、开始安装ABAQUS6.5...
If the host list is not defined, Abaqus will run on the local system. When using a supported queuing system, this parameter does not need to be defined. If it is defined, it will get overridden by the queuing environment. mp_mode Set this variable equal toMPIto indicate that the MPI ...
安装时一路next,直到需要填写激活服务器时,填入创建的地址,即27011@hostname,确认 成功后即可正常安装. 9.软件的运行 由于配置license服务时,已设置为开机时启动license服务,即软件使用时只需要打开就可 以运行了. 打开软件的方式: 其一:程序组中"Abaqus6.10-1"选"ABaqusCAE"即可启动; ...