Abaqus could not locate the pre executable. This may indicate a problem with the Abaqus installation. Please contact your system Administrator for further assistance 是因为没有装solver,重新安装的时候记得选择就可以了
怎么办,明天交作业..一直显示找不到odb文件Abaqus could not locate the pre executable. This may indicate that this component is not installed. Please contact your system Administrator for further assistance.跪求大佬
安装ABAQUS以后新建一个最基本的小单元,提交JOB分析时出现如下问题,反复重装软件都不行,求助 ErrorinjobPlate-CPS8:Abaquscouldnotlocatethepreexecutable.ThismayindicateaproblemwiththeAbaqusinstallation.PleasecontactyoursystemAdministratorforfurtherassistance.JobPla... Error in job Plate-CPS8: Abaqus could not lo...
请问大佬们这个问题如..问题描述如下:Abaqus could not locate the pre executable. This may indicate that this component is not installed. Please contact your system Administrator for further assistance.图片如下
X nodes are either missing intersection with their respective master surface or are outside the adjust zone. The nodes have been identified in node set WarnNodeMissMasterIntersect. 有些节点未被约束。根据我的经验,当使用contact下tie命令时可以不用理会未被约束的点,Abaqus会识别相接触的面施加Tie约束,...
Abaqus could not locate the pre executable. This may indicate a problem with the Abaqus installation. Please contact your system Administrator for further assistance. 送TA礼物 1楼2020-09-16 17:24回复 annirate 初级粉丝 1 是不是要重装啊 2楼2020-09-16 17:25 收起回复 亚里...
abaqus提交.o..妈呀,楼主解决这个问题了吗?检查了下根本没有生成odb文件(Abaqus could not locate the pre executable. This may indicate that thi
criterion. please check the value of theaverage HEAT FLUX during the current iteration to verify that the HEAT FLUX is small enough to be treated as zero.if not, please use the solution controls to reset the criterion for zero HEAT FLUX.试试:(1)是不是热源定义的问题,错误信息是说热源量...