abap with 新语法 ABAP是一种编程语言,主要用于SAP系统中的开发和定制。随着时间的推移,ABAP也在不断发展,引入了新的语法和特性,以提高开发效率和代码质量。本文将介绍ABAP的新语法,并探讨其在实际开发中的应用。 一、新语法概述 ABAP的新语法主要包括以下几个方面的改进: 1. 内联声明:新的ABAP语法允许在代码中...
WITH语句允许您在查询中创建一个临时的内部查询,然后将其结果用作主查询的一部分。 使用ABAP SQL WITH语句,可以更好地组织和优化复杂的查询逻辑,提高查询的可读性和性能。与ABAP SQL语句相比,WITH语句可以将查询划分为较小的可重用块,并在需要时引用这些块。 以下是ABAP SQL WITH语句的用法示例: ``` WITH temp...
直接上代码: WITH +wo AS ( SELECT aufk~auart,aufk~erdat,afih~iwerk,afih~ingpr,aufk~vaplz,afih~iloan,equnr,aufk~objnr FROM aufk INNER JOIN afih ON aufk~aufnr = afih~aufnr ), +wocounts AS ( SELECT COU…
2、字符串替换 语法:replace <子串1> with <子串2> into <被操作字符串> 使用将字符串中的子串1替换为子串2 语法:replace section [offset <数字>] [length <数字>] of <被操作字符串> with <子串> [in (byte|character) mode] 使用子串替换字符串offset指定位置开始后length长度的字符串。 语法:replace...
PS: I replaced the transformation name SCARR_2_JSON with the existing transformation DEMO_ST_JSON_TALBE above. matt Active Contributor 2016 Aug 26 9:31 AM 0 Kudos I used this as the basis for my first ever simple transformation. I had a problem though, in that some of my JSON ...
TYPES vector TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF i WITH NON-UNIQUE DEFAULT KEY INITIAL SIZE 10.本示例创建内表数据类型 vector,其行包含基本类型 I 字段。注:WITH HEADER LINE只能与DATA关键字一起使用,而不能与TYPES一起使用,这也就是说,只有在分配了存储空间时才有隐藏工作区这一说,在定义内表类型时是没有的。
This can be done with JOIN statement. Reply matt Active Contributor 2014 Aug 08 9:32 AM 0 Kudos 216 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development You need to make a string of your second where clause: data where_clause type string. where_clause = TARGETCOLUMN && | = | && SOURCETABLE...
ABAP Channels infrastructure was delivered with SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP 7.40 support package 2 (SP2) for simple tests and prototyping and released with 7.40 support package 5 (SP5). The basic idea of the ABAP Channels (see Figure 1) is the native support of interactive and collaborative scenario...
REPLACE 'ab' IN text1 WITH 'xx'. --> xxxabx 5. 去前导0 (Remove leading zero) SHIFT dobj LEFT DELETING LEADING '0'. FM : CONVERSION_EXIT_ALPHA_OUTPUT 增前导0 (Add leading zero) DATA v_s(5). UNPACK '123' to v_s. ==> v_s = '00123' ...
I am using JCO3 jar to establish the connectivity to SAP from JAVA application and facing the error "Destination ABAP_AS_WITH_POOL does not exist" when there are more than 100 requests to be processed. Please note that this error is not coming for each request. However 10 out of 100 ...