直接上代码: WITH +wo AS ( SELECT aufk~auart,aufk~erdat,afih~iwerk,afih~ingpr,aufk~vaplz,afih~iloan,equnr,aufk~objnr FROM aufk INNER JOIN afih ON aufk~aufnr = afih~aufnr ), +wocounts AS ( SELECT COU…
Sum the values 1 to 10 stored in the column of a table defined as follows DATA gt_itab TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF i WITH EMPTY KEY. gt_itab = VALUE #( FOR j = 1 WHILE j <= 10 ( j ) ). Before 7.40 DATA: lv_line TYPE i, lv_sum TYPE i. LOOP AT gt_itab INTO lv_line. ...
With the exception of sy-repid, the data types of the system fields are defined in the ABAP Dictionary in the structure SYST (as of release 6.10), and are instantiated in ABAP programs as components of the predefined structure sy, which can also be addressed using SYST. The structure sy e...
ls_data= gt_data[ lv_index +1].CATCHcx_sy_itab_line_not_found.ENDTRY. cl_demo_output=>write( ls_data ).ENDIF.*3> 将gt_data用销售主管和销售雇员分别放到两个内表并输出(使用FILTER关键字语法)"使用多个值筛选DATA: gt_filterTYPESORTEDTABLEOFCHAR10WITHNON-UNIQUE KEY table_line.***INitializ...
The programs included in the repository can be executed with F8 (or Run→ Run As→ 1 ABAP Application). ⚡ Known Issues Only one user on the system can import this repository because all object names must be globally unique. Regarding possible code check warnings, e.g. for the many stri...
Well for creating a ressource saving library, websockets are the better to go with. I already saw that there is an interface existing for websocket client connections IF_APC_WS_CLIENT, that probably is similar to the if_http_client interface for HTTP requests. As long as I do not find ...
DATA itab TYPE TABLE OF wa WITH EMPTY KEY. SELECT carrid, connid, MIN( seatsocc ) AS min FROM sflight GROUP BY carrid, connid ORDER BY carrid ASCENDING, min DESCENDING INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE @itab. cl_demo_output=>display_data( itab ). ...
Defines the name_assocof an association defined usingASSOCIATIONof a CDS view. If no name is defined explicitly usingAS,_associs set implicitly to the name of the target data source. The name_assocmust comply with the naming rules fornames. ...
Create an an online repository with the package and with the URL of the RAP Generator repohttps://github.com/SAP-samples/cloud-abap-rapor create an offline repository and download the source code as a ZIP file fromhttps://github.com/SAP-samples/cloud-abap-rap. Make sure that you use the...
after installed the ADT component and UI5 I got the issue with communication Layer attached. I have installed the JCO from SAP website and followed the configuration. I have gone through all the procedures below. 1. Microsoft VC runtime is missing: as per information ontools.hana.ondemand....