CONCATENATE ls_table-tabname '-' ls_table-fieldname INTO l_string. ls_comp-name = ls_table-fieldname. *读取字段类型 CALL METHOD cl_abap_datadescr=》describe_by_name EXPORTING p_name = l_string RECEIVING p_descr_ref = lr_type EXCEPTIONS type_not_found = 1 OTHERS = 2. IF sy-subrc ...
CREATE DATA dyn_table TYPE HANDLE lr_table. *指定内表与工作区到字段符号 ASSIGN dyn_wa->* TO <dyn_wa>. ASSIGN dyn_table->* TO <dyn_table>. *从动态表中取数到动态内表中 SELECT * INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE <dyn_table> UP TO 100 ROWS FROM (p_name). *显示内表中的数据 CAL...
LOOP AT lt_table INTO ls_table. CONCATENATE ls_table-tabname '-' ls_table-fieldname INTO l_string. ls_comp-name = ls_table-fieldname. *读取字段类型 CALL METHOD cl_abap_datadescr=>describe_by_name EXPORTING p_name = l_string RECEIVING p_descr_ref = lr_type EXCEPTIONS type_not_found...
* Internal TABLE and worearea Definition FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ft_tab> TYPE STANDARD TABLE, <fs_data> TYPE any, <f_field> TYPE any. DATA: dynpfields TYPE TABLE OF dynpread WITH HEADER LINE, l_xls TYPE char1, l_txt TYPE char1. TYPE-POOLS truxs . DATA: l_tab_filetable TYPE filetable,...
内表:Internal memory table 内存中的表,是外设(屏幕、磁盘,打印机等)和数据库表数据交换的中介。 wa为工作区,是与数据库具有相同结构的数据对象,一般直接基于数据库结构声明。该语句也可以将数据插入视图中,首先该视图所有字段必须来自同一个数据库表,而且在数据字典中的maintenance status属性必须设定为read and ch...
ABAP开发基础知识:5) 内表(Internal Table) 简介:内表与结构体基本类似,它同样是程序运行中被临时创建的一个存储空间,它是一个可包含多条记录的数据表。 内表共有3种类型: 1)Standard:标准表 2)Sorted:排序表 3)Hashed:哈希表,一般用的比较少 本篇文件将重点介绍Standart型内表的定义及功能 1.内表的定义...
Instead of using the move-corresponding clause it is advisable to use the move statement instead. Attempt should be made to move entire internal table headers in a single shot, rather than moving the fields one by one. 12、正确地使用inner joinLet us take an example of 2 tables, zairln ...
In the new ABAP Debugger, you can use the Table Tool to display and work with the contents of internal tables. This section shows how to do the following: Change the column layout in an internal table so that you can see the columns you want to see Include fields from nested structures...
If the internal table is empty, no rows are changed. Howeversy-subrcis still set to 0. The system fieldsy-dbcntis set to the number of rows that are inserted. Notes When an internal table is used, package by package processing performs a read (running in parallel to anUPDATEon the sam...