CREATE DATA dyn_table TYPE HANDLE lr_table. *指定内表与工作区到字段符号 ASSIGN dyn_wa->* TO <dyn_wa>. ASSIGN dyn_table->* TO <dyn_table>. *从动态表中取数到动态内表中 SELECT * INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE <dyn_table> UP TO 100 ROWS FROM (p_name). *显示内表中的数据 CAL...
* Internal TABLE and worearea Definition FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ft_tab> TYPE STANDARD TABLE, <fs_data> TYPE any, <f_field> TYPE any. DATA: dynpfields TYPE TABLE OF dynpread WITH HEADER LINE, l_xls TYPE char1, l_txt TYPE char1. TYPE-POOLS truxs . DATA: l_tab_filetable TYPE filetable,...
INSERT dbtab FROM TABLE itab ACCEPTING DUPLICATE KEYS. ACCEPTING DUPLICATE的效果是:若出现关键字相同,返回4,并跳过其再更新所有的其他。 二.UPDATE语句 1.更新单行数据: UPDATE dbtab SET f1=g1 ... fn=gn WHERE <fix_key>. f表组建字段名,g为新设定的值,WHERE为确保只更新单行。 注:除f=g外还可...
nametab = lt_table EXCEPTIONS no_texts_found = 1. *根据取出的字段目录生成参考字段目录 LOOP AT lt_table INTO ls_table. ls_alv_cat-fieldname = ls_table-fieldname. ls_alv_cat-ref_table = p_name. ls_alv_cat-ref_field = ls_table-fieldname. APPEND ls_alv_cat TO lt_alv_cat. CLEAR ...
CONCATENATE ls_table-tabname '-' ls_table-fieldname INTO l_string. ls_comp-name = ls_table-fieldname. *读取字段类型 CALL METHOD cl_abap_datadescr=>describe_by_name EXPORTING p_name = l_string RECEIVING p_descr_ref = lr_type
insert wa INTO | INITIAL LINE INTO TABLE itab 1. 2. 1.3以下是插入多行 insert lines of itab1 [FROM IDX][TO IDX2] INTO itab2 [index idx3]. 1. 1.4 语法 以下是基本语法 insert lines of [from] [to ] into [index.】 append wa to itab. ...
- Finally, if the target is a database table, save the imported data using a suitable database operation like INSERT, UPDATE, or MODIFY. 5. Benefits and Use Cases of 'IMPORT FROM INTERNAL TABLE': - Efficient handling of large datasets: This statement allows for the transfer of large amoun...
The statement first checks whether the internal table contains an entry with the same key. If not, it acts like INSERT. If there is already a table entry with the same key, COLLECT does not insert a new line. Instead, it adds the values from the numeric fields of the work area <line...
UPDATE sflight FROM TABLE @sflight_tab. Example The same example as above, but the new price is calculated in a host expression for the internal table. DATA: carrid TYPE sflight-carrid, percent TYPE p LENGTH 1 DECIMALS 0. cl_demo_input=>new( ...
•内部表( Internal table )是一个包含相同类型的数据对象的序列。 内部表只在程序运行过程中存在。 •内部表的用途: –暂时存放从数据库表中读取的数据,以便作进一步的处理 –暂时存放用于显示的清单数据 –作为数据缓冲用于同其他程序进行数据交换