n = n + 1. CALL FUNCTION 'START_TIME_DETERMINE' EXPORTING duration = -1 unit = 'MON' IMPORTING start_date = s CHANGING end_date = s. ENDWHILE. CLEAR ls_fieldcat. ls_fieldcat-fieldname = 'GJJ'. ls_fieldcat-seltext_m = '合计'. ls_fieldcat-outputlen = 15. ls_fieldcat-do_su...
n = n + 1. CALL FUNCTION 'START_TIME_DETERMINE' EXPORTING duration = -1 unit = 'MON' IMPORTING start_date = s CHANGING end_date = s. ENDWHILE. CLEAR ls_fieldcat. ls_fieldcat-fieldname = 'GJJ'. ls_fieldcat-seltext_m = '合计'. ls_fieldcat-outputlen = 15. ls_fieldcat-do_su...
SCA4 日历:时间(日期/时间) DURATION_DETERMINE Calendar: Determine duration between two times END_TIME_DETERMINE Calendar: Determine end date and time START_TIME_DETERMINE Calendar: Determine start date and time SCA5 Calendar: Additional functions 这个函数组中的函数作用应该比较丰富 DAY_ATTRIBUTES_GET(...
DATAsel_timeTYPEsy-uzeit.CALLFUNCTION'F4_CLOCK'EXPORTINGstart_time=sy-uzeit"默认系统当前时间"IMPORTINGselected_time=sel_time."用户选择时间" 10.获取两个日期之间的详细信息:# 代码语言:javascript 复制 DATA:lv_month_startTYPEdats,"月初日期"lv_month_endTYPEdats,"月末日期"lv_daysTYPEi."月总天数"DATAda...
cl_crm_order_timer_home=>start( ). TRY. DATA(lo_collection) = lo_core->dquery( iv_query_name = 'BTQSrvOrd' it_selection_parameters = lt_selection_parameter is_query_parameters = ls_query_parameters ). CATCH cx_root INTO DATA(cx_root). ...
cl_crm_order_timer_home=>start( ). TRY. DATA(lo_collection) = lo_core->dquery( iv_query_name = 'BTQSrvOrd' it_selection_parameters = lt_selection_parameter is_query_parameters = ls_query_parameters ). CATCH cx_root INTO DATA(cx_root). ...
If you try to modify one of the field groups afterwards and use it in another EXTRACT statement, a runtime error occurs. By processing EXTRACT statements several times using different field groups, you fill the extract dataset with records of different length and structure. Since you can modify...
ABAP runtime environment ABAP runtime framework ABAP session ABAP source code ABAP SQL ABAP SQL engine ABAP SQL indicator ABAP SQL Interface ABAP SQL literal ABAP SQL query SQL service ABAP statement ABAP system ABAP Test Cockpit ABAP technology ABAP tuning object ABAP type ABAP type hierarchy ABAP...
For performance reasons, a sort should only take place in the database if supported by anindex. This guaranteed only whenORDER BY PRIMARY KEYis specified. If a suitable index is not available, the results set must be sorted at runtime. This should be done usingSORTon the application server...
"01/01/2024 "TIME: Defining the format of a time "The output is just an example and depends on your settings. DATA(tm) = |The time is { cl_abap_context_info=>get_system_time( ) TIME = ISO }.|. "The time is 14:37:24. tm = |{ cl_abap_context_info=>get_system_time( )...