n = n + 1. CALL FUNCTION 'START_TIME_DETERMINE' EXPORTING duration = -1 unit = 'MON' IMPORTING start_date = s CHANGING end_date = s. ENDWHILE. CLEAR ls_fieldcat. ls_fieldcat-fieldname = 'GJJ'. ls_fieldcat-seltext_m = '合计'. ls_fieldcat-outputlen = 15. ls_fieldcat-do_su...
n = n + 1. CALL FUNCTION 'START_TIME_DETERMINE' EXPORTING duration = -1 unit = 'MON' IMPORTING start_date = s CHANGING end_date = s. ENDWHILE. CLEAR ls_fieldcat. ls_fieldcat-fieldname = 'GJJ'. ls_fieldcat-seltext_m = '合计'. ls_fieldcat-outputlen = 15. ls_fieldcat-do_su...
9.F4 时间选择框:# DATA sel_time TYPE sy-uzeit. CALL FUNCTION 'F4_CLOCK' EXPORTING start_time = sy-uzeit "默认系统当前时间" IMPORTING selected_time = sel_time. "用户选择时间" 10.获取两个日期之间的详细信息:# DATA: lv_month_start TYPE dats , "月初日期" lv_month_end TYPE dats , "月...
DATAsel_timeTYPEsy-uzeit.CALLFUNCTION'F4_CLOCK'EXPORTINGstart_time=sy-uzeit"默认系统当前时间"IMPORTINGselected_time=sel_time."用户选择时间" 10.获取两个日期之间的详细信息:# 代码语言:javascript 复制 DATA:lv_month_startTYPEdats,"月初日期"lv_month_endTYPEdats,"月末日期"lv_daysTYPEi."月总天数"DATAda...
(4) T134: Material type (1) prod_type_code: determine material or service - 02 (5) TVTA: Organizational Unit: Sales Area(s) (6) T137: Industries for materials (7) TSTL: Taxes: Valid Tax Categories for Each Country (1) TALND: Country is relevant for taxes (2) TATYP: Tax categ...
cl_crm_order_timer_home=>start( ). TRY. DATA(lo_collection) = lo_core->dquery( iv_query_name = 'BTQSrvOrd' it_selection_parameters = lt_selection_parameter is_query_parameters = ls_query_parameters ). CATCH cx_root INTO DATA(cx_root). ...
The additionsASCENDINGandDESCENDINGdetermine whether the column in question is sorted in ascending or descending order. If neither addition is specified, the column is sorted in ascending order. The priority of sorting is based on the order in which the componentscol1 col2...ora1 a2 ...are sp...
start value start node statement block static attribute static box static class static component static constructor static data object static event static method static RAP BO operation RAP static transition message static type static cache status message Steampunk stored procedure stream stream direction ...
To determine the length of a string, you can use the string function strlen. Note that the result depends on the type of the string, i. e. the result for a data object of type string includes trailing blanks. A fixed-length string does not include them. To exclude trailing blanks in ...
Before a service method is called the first time, a valid bearer-token must be provided to the watsonx service wrapper ABAP class instance as follows:lo_service_class->set_bearer_token( i_bearer_token = '...' ).Afterwards, service methods can be called as long as the provided token is...