This one is a tribute to the community, to SCN, to you. One of you, volker.wegert2 ; has blogged his ABAP Wishlist - IS INSTANCE OF some years ago and reminded us again
This is definitely harder to read and to write than an INSTANCE OF operator would be, and the additional variable required doesn't make things much better. Another way of dealing with this kind of issue seems to originate from the fans of Demolition Derby. Simply put: Try to cast the ins...
IF <ls_out_tab>-inst IS INSTANCE OF zcl_paralell1. lo_instance_1 = CAST #( <ls_out_tab>-inst ). out->write( 'System time for instance 1:' ). LOOP AT lo_instance_1->get_time( ) ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<lv_instance_1>). out->write( <lv_instance_1>...
Since I perform the request in an asynchronous mode, so the response of those five requests are processed and returned in parallel. How singleton behavior of Servlet is achieved The instance of requested Servlet will only be initialized when it is asked for the first time. The below two-fold ...
SAP CRM里如何使用ABAP将DOCX格式的文档转换成PDF格式 1 Note: This article is an appendix of consulting note 1154999 - Using Adobe/LiveCycle ES to Render Docb Document to PDF. Almost all steps are already included in that note, this article only focuses on the missing points and some error-...
The concept of restricting the instantiation of the class toonly and only to one object is called Singleton. As name suggests, it willrestrict to create only one instance of a class. The class will have logic inplace which will deny if the application will ask for more than one instance. ...
For non-initial source variables, the predicate expressionIS INSTANCE OFor the case distinctionCASE TYPE OFcan be used to check whether a down cast can be applied to specific classes or interfaces. The dynamic type of an initial or invalid source variable is undefined. In a down cast, thenul...
The lo_srv is instance of your consumer proxy class. 8 The request variable ls_invoke_request contains the binary content of original document in docx format, the response variable contains the converted binary content of PDF format, if successful. In case the conversion fails, you can again ...
l_task= is_data-zflag.ENDIF.*基础数据l_check=l_task.*IF l_task = 'I'.ls_partner-header-object_task =l_task.*ELSE.*ls_partner-header-object_task = l_utask.*ENDIF.ls_partner-header-object_instance-bpartnerguid =l_bpartnerguid.*&---角色IFis_data-bu_group ='Z005'. ls_...
(1) you can get a instance of word document via methodcl_docx_document=>load_document. It is necessary to pass the document binary data with type xstring into this method. I don’t list source code of subroutine get_doc_binary as it is not relevant. Just find it from attachment. ...