4.AAV-Induced Cancer: Cause for Concern in Gene Therapy? 5.At FDA meeting, gene therapy experts wrestle with field's blindspots 识别微信二维码,添加药时空小编,符合条件者即可加入药时空微信群! 请注明:姓名+研究方向!
[4]Hacker, U. T., Bentler, M., Kaniowska, D., Morgan, M. & Büning, H. TowardsClinicalImplementationofAdenoAssociated Virus (AAV) Vectors for Cancer Gene Therapy: Current Status and Future Perspectives. Cancers 12, 1889 (2020). [5]SantiagoOrtiz,J.L.&Schaffer,D.V.Adenoassociated virus...
1、Vironexis Biotherapeutics Launches with FDA Clearance of IND Application for First-Ever Clinical Trial of an AAV-delivered Cancer Immunotherapy • Vironexis Biotherapeutics. 2、 Cancer gene therapy startup Vironexis emerges from stealth with $26M seed round – Endpoints News (endpts.com)....
5.腺相关病毒(七):AAV载体对肝脏的亲和性可能是安全性问题根源;星耀研究院 6.AAV-Induced Cancer: Cause for Concern in Gene Therapy? 7.At FDA meeting, gene therapy experts wrestle with field's blindspots
其实关于AAV载体有可能诱发癌症的情况此前已经有相关报道,早在1月6日,国际学术期刊 Science 上发表了一篇:Virus used in gene therapies may pose cancer risk, dog study hints的报道,该报道称,这项针对狗的血友病的新研究表明,AAV 病毒可以轻易将其携带的基因插入到宿主的 DNA 中,并且插入位置靠近调控细胞生长...
4. NEJM最新综述 | 简述基因治疗的最新临床研究进展;邦耀生物官网 5.腺相关病毒(七):AAV载体对肝脏的亲和性可能是安全性问题根源;星耀研究院 6.AAV-Induced Cancer: Cause for Concern in Gene Therapy? 7.At FDA meeting, gene therapy experts wrestle with field's blindspots...
其实关于AAV载体有可能诱发癌症的情况此前已经有相关报道,早在1月6日,国际学术期刊 Science 上发表了一篇:Virus used in gene therapies may pose cancer risk, dog study hints的报道,该报道称,这项针对狗的血友病的新研究表明,AAV 病毒可以轻易将其携带的基因插入到宿主的 DNA 中,并且插入位置靠近调控细胞生长...
4. NEJM最新综述 | 简述基因治疗的最新临床研究进展;邦耀生物官网 5.腺相关病毒(七):AAV载体对肝脏的亲和性可能是安全性问题根源;星耀研究院 6.AAV-Induced Cancer: Cause for Concern in Gene Therapy? 7.At FDA meeting, gene therapy experts wrestle with field's blindspots...
Metastatic liver cancer has a very poor prognosis and lacks effective therapy. We have previously demonstrated that intraportal injection of an adeno-associated-virus(AAV) vector led to long term and persistent expression of angiostatin and suppressed EL-4 tumors that metastasized to livers. In the...
2020年1月6日,国际顶尖学术期刊Science发表了一篇报导:Virus used in gene therapies may pose cancer risk, dog study hints。该报道称,这项针对狗的血友病的新研究表明,AAV 病毒可以轻易将其携带的基因插入到宿主的 DNA 中,并且插入位置靠近调控细胞生长的基因,有诱发癌症的可能性。