内容提示: 366 TM 195-2011 AATCC Technical Manual/2012Developed in 2009 by AATCC Commit-tee RA63; reaffirmed 2010; revised2011.1. Purpose and Scope1.1 This test method is for the mea-surement, evaluation and classification ofliquid moisture management propertiesof textile fabrics. The test method...
Footwear Outsole Belt Flexing Tester Satra TM 133 Shoes Flexing Test Machine US$1.00-3,600.00 / Piece Shoe Flex Tester for Front Part (GW-009C) US$2,600.00-4,600.00 / Piece ASTM 2413 Sampling 8 Pcsshoe Dielectric Resistance Testing Machine (GW-022F) US$3,150.00-14,000....
2024年 AATCC 195-2012 纺织面料的液体水分管理性能 2024年 AATCC 195-2011 纺织面料的液体水分管理性能 2024年 AATCC 195-2010 纺织面料的液体水分管理特性(重申)1. 目的和范围 1.1 本测试方法用于测量、评估和分类纺织织物的液体水分管理性能。本测试方法可对针织、机织和非织造纺织织物的液体水分管理性能进行客观测...
AATCC TM195-2017(e3) Test Method for Extractable Content of Textiles is editorially revised to reference LP1 and LP2 instead of M6 which has been removed. AATCC TM206-2020 Test Method for Free and Hydrolyzed Formaldehyde: Water Extraction is revised to update multiple sections ...
AATCC 195-2020 用于纺织面料液体水分管理性能的测量、评估和分类。该测试方法对针织、机织和非织造织物的液体水分管理性能进行客观测量。 1.2 本测试方法获得的结果基于织物结构的耐水性、拒水性和吸水性特性,包括织物的几何结构和内部结构以及纤维和纱线的芯吸特性。AATC
Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists Provided by IHS under license with AATCC Not for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- 370TM 195-2011AATCC Technical Manual/2012 11.7 Data from the 2008 study are on file at AATCC Headquarters for refer- ence ...
漏斗顶部至喷嘴底部距离 195±10 mm (ISO 4920),200±10 mm 可售卖地 全国 型号 CS-6070 仪器介绍: 本机主要评定织物表面的防水性能,将试样安装在环形夹持器上,保持夹持器与水平成45度角,试样中心位置距离喷嘴下方150 mm。用250 ml的蒸馏水或去离子水从喷头喷淋试样。喷淋后,通过试样外观与沾水现象描述...
AATCC TM186-2022 纺织品的耐气候性:紫外光下湿态曝晒 AATCC TM192-2022 纺织品耐气候性:给湿与不给湿条件下的日弧灯曝晒 AATCC TM195-2011e2(2017)e4 纺织品的液态水动态传递性能 AATCC TM197-2022 纺织品垂直芯吸性能的测定:指...
AATCC TM212-2021 Test Method for Fiber Fragment Release During Home Laundering家庭洗涤过程中纤维碎片释放的试验方法 9、Moisture Management Properties水分管理特性 AATCC TM195-2011e2(2017)e4Test Method for Liquid Moisture Management Properties of Textile Fabrics纺织织物液体水分管理性能的试验方法 AATCC TM197...
TM79, Absorbency of Textiles TM195, Liquid Moisture Management Properties of Textile Fabrics TM197, Vertical Wicking of Textiles TM198, Horizontal Wicking of Textiles TM199, Drying Time of Textiles: Moisture Analyzer Method TM200, Drying Rate of Textiles at their Absorbent Capacity: Air Flow...