aatcc tm 193 撥水性測試 安全注意事項:1.戴安全眼套,使用試驗液時,請戴不透氣手套。實驗場所戴安全防護鏡。2.試驗液為可燃性,遠離熱源,火花及火焰。注意通風良好,避免過久吸入 氣體及皮膚接觸,忌勿服食。試樣:試驗試樣兩塊各為20×20㎝大小,試樣最好先於21℃±1℃、65℃±2℃RH調濕調溫四小時以上...
AATCC 193-2005(2007)拒水性:抗水,乙醇溶液测试(英文)Copyright © 2006 American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists 372TM 193-2005 AATCC Technical Manual/2007 Developed in 2004 by AATCC Commit-tee RA56; reaffirmed and editorially re-vised 2005; editorially revised 2006.1. Purpose and ...
(see 12.3).6.3 White AATCC Textile Blotting Pa-per (see 12.4).6.4 Laboratory gloves (general purposeis sufficient).Copyright © 2005 American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists376TM 193-2005AATCC Technical Manual/2006Developed in 2004 by AATCC Commit-tee RA56; reaffirmed and ...
AATCC Technical Manual/2008 TM 193-2007 373 complete resistance to wetting by a given test liquid (as indicated by a clear drop with a high contact angle, see Fig. 1, Ex- ample A) followed by immediate pene- tration by the next higher-numbered test liquid. In these instances the end ...
AATCC 193-2007相似标准 AATCC TM193-2023水性液体排斥性的测试方法:耐水/醇溶液性BS ISO 23232:2009 纺织品.水液排斥性.水或醇溶液耐性试验KS K ISO 23232-2016 纺织品水性液体排斥性水/醇溶液电阻测试08/30186847 DC BS ISO 23232 纺织品水性液体排斥性耐水/酒精溶液试验AATCC 193-2004水性液体拒水性:耐水/醇...
372TM193-2007AATCCTechnicalManual/2008 Developedin2004byAATCCCommit- teeRA56;reaffirmedandeditoriallyre- vised2005;editoriallyrevised2006; revised2007. 1.PurposeandScope 1.1Thistestmethodcanbeusedtode- terminetheefficacyofaprotectivefinish thatiscapableofimpartingalowenergy ...
AATCC 193-2017 适用范围 1. 目的和范围 1.1 本测试方法可用于确定防护整理剂的功效,该整理剂可在所有类型的织物上形成低能表面,方法是评估织物对一系列选定的不同表面张力的水/酒精溶液的抗湿性。 2. 原理 2.1 将由一系列选定的不同表面张力的水/酒精溶液组成的标准测试液滴放在织物表面,观察其润湿、芯吸和接...
Avoid prolonged two layers of the fabric; otherwise, the and aqueous solution repellency grade, is 376 TM 193-2005 AATCC Technical Manual/2006 Copyright © 2005 American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists A = Passes; clear well-rounded drop B = Borderline pass; rounding drop with ...
n e t Copyright 2005 American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists AATCC Technical Manual/2006TM 193-2005377 obvious. However, some fabrics will show progressive wetting under several test liquids as evidenced by a partial darkening of the fabric at the liquid- fabric interface (see Fig....
《AATCC-193-2007.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《AATCC-193-2007.pdf(3页珍藏版)》请在人人文库网上搜索。 copyright 2007 american association of textile chemists and colorists 372tm 193-2007aatcc technical manual/2008 developed in 2004 by aatcc commit- tee ra56; reaffirmed and editorially re...