AATCC TM100-2019 下载积分: 500 内容提示: AATCC takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned in this test method. Users of this test method are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and ...
AATCC TM100-2019纺织材料抗菌整理剂的评价.pdf,@ A弱。c恼tlon of Textile, 何制rel Matetials 向of1民割:inals AATCC takes no position respecting the validity of any P_atent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned in this test method. Users of
AATCCTM100-2019 TestMethodforAntibacterialFinishesonTextileMaterials:Assessmentof 1.PurposeandScope 1.1Thistestmethodprovidesaquanti- tativeprocedurefortheevaluationofthe degreeofantibacterialactivity.Assess- mentofantibacterialfinishesontextile materialsisdetem1inedbythedegreeof ...
AATCC TM100-2019 Test Method for Antibacterial Finishes on Textile Materials: Assessment of 1. 1.1This test method provides a quantitative procedure tbr the evaluation of the degree of antibacterial activity. Assessment of antibacterial finishes on textile materials is detennined by the degree of ant...
AATCC TM100-2019 Test Method for Antibacterial Finishes on Textile Materials Assessment of 纺织材料抗菌整理的试验方法 AATCC TM103-2019 Test Method for Bacterial Alpha-Amylase Enzymes used in Desizing 退浆用细菌α-淀粉酶的试验方法 AATCC TM147-2011(2016)eAntibacterial Activity of Textile Materials Para...
aatcc 100本专题涉及aatcc 100的标准有51条。国际标准分类中,aatcc 100涉及到。在中国标准分类中,aatcc 100涉及到印染制品综合、基础标准与通用方法。未注明发布机构,关于aatcc 100的标准AATCC TM20A-2021 AATCC TM20A-2021 AATCC 16.3-2020 AATCC 16.3-2020 AATCC 207-2019 AATCC 207-2019 AATCC 22-2017 e-2019...
标准号:AATCC TM 117-2019 检测标准/方法:耐干热色牢度(热压除外) AATCC TM 117-2019 检测对象:纺织品及其制品 检测项目/参数:耐干热色牢度 相关标准 《ASTM C365/C365M-16》夹层芯子平压性能试验方法 ASTM C365/C365M-16 《GB/T 30019-2013》碳纤维 密度的测定 GB/T 30019-2013 ...
AATCC TM100 is one of a number of standard test methods commonly used for quantitative assessment of antimicrobial textiles performance. However, as currently written, the method allows for a number of steps to be conducted with several options, with reproducibility between testing laboratories being ...
AATCC TM100-2019 AATCC takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned in this test method. Users of this test method are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk of infringement of...
As soon as possible after inoculation (“O contact time), add 100 ± 1 mL of neutralizing solution to each of the jars containing the inoculated untreated control swatches, the inoculated test swatches and the viability control fabric swatches. The neutralizing solution should include ...