ASTM E1645-21 随后铅分析用热板或微波消解制备干燥油漆样品的标准实施规程AATCC TM112-2020 纺织品甲醛释放测试方法:密封罐法 专题 甲醛释放量e0和e1 AATCC 112-2020相似标准 AATCC 112-2003织物甲醛释放量测定:密封罐法AATCC 112-2008织物甲醛释放量的测定:密封罐法T/JSJJ 2-2021 床垫T/CNFA 002-2017 软体家...
内容提示: AATCC TM112-2020 11. Purpose and Scope1.1 This test method is applicable totextile fabrics that may release formalde-hyde, particularly fabrics finished withchemicals containing formaldehyde. Itprovides accelerated storage conditionsand an analytical means for determiningthe amount of ...
AATCC 112-2020 2024年 发布单位 US-AATCC 当前最新 AATCC 112-2020 其他标准 ASTM E1645-21 随后铅分析用热板或微波消解制备干燥油漆样品的标准实施规程AATCC TM112-2020 纺织品甲醛释放测试方法:密封罐法 专题 甲醛释放量e0和e1 AATCC 112-2020相似标准...
1.3浸泡法见 AATCC TM206。此方法可在高度模拟正常使用的条件下测试水解甲醛的含量。2. 原原理2.1称重后的织物试样,悬挂于密封瓶中的水... 文档格式:PDF | 页数:7 | 浏览次数:1000 | 上传日期:2021-05-13 15:01:43 | 文档星级: AATCC 112-2020第 1 页共 7 页织物甲醛释放的试验方法:密封瓶法(...
Of all the methods reviewed, AATCC TM112 is the only one lacking a procedure for liquid extraction. In addition to its carcinogenic effect, there is a growing concern among consumers about formaldehyde as a sensory irritant and a potential sensitizer, causing contact dermatitis from finishes that ...
AATCC TM97-2020 Test Method for Extractable Content of Textiles is revised to clarify safety requirements. AATCC TM112-2020 Test Method for Formaldehyde Release from Fabric, Determination of Sealed Jar Method is revised to update multiple sections for clarity and alignment to style...
194TM112-2014AATCCTechnicalManual/2015 Developedin1965byAATCCCommittee RR68;jurisdictiontransferredtoAATCC CommitteeRA452012;reaffirmed1968, 1972,1989,1998,2003;revised1975, 1978,1982,1984,1993;technicalcor- rection1983;editoriallyrevised1985, 1986,2010,2011;editoriallyrevisedand ...
《AATCC112-2008甲醛含量.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《AATCC112-2008甲醛含量.pdf(3页珍藏版)》请在人人文库网上搜索。 172TM 112-2008AATCC Technical Manual/2009 Developed in 1965 by AATCC Committee RR68; reaffirmed 1968, 1972, 1989, 1998, 2003; revised 1975, 1978, 1982, 1984, 1993; ...
AATCC TM112-2020 Test Method for Formaldehyde Release from Fabric Sealed Jar 织物甲醛释放的试验方法:密封罐 AATCC TM144-2022 Test Method for Alkali in Wet Processed Textiles Total 湿加工纺织品中碱的试验方法:总计 AATCC TM148-2014e4(2021) Test Method for Light Blocking Effect of Textiles and Rel...
72YG401F织物平磨仪(九工位)GB/T4802.2-2008,GB/T13775,GB/T21196.1,GB/T21196.2,GB/T21196.3,GB/T21196.4;FZ/T20020;ISO12945.2、12947;ASTM D 4966、4970、IWS TM112,可以增加球盘法测试功能(选配)等标准。 83YG812EA渗水性测定仪AATCC127-2003、GB/T4744-1997、ISO 811-1981、JIS L1092-1998、DIN ...