Grade A castings shall be furnished unannealed, annealed, or normalized unless otherwise speci-fied by the purchaser. Grades B and B+ castings shall be furnished normalized or normalized and tempered. Grade C castings shall be furnished normalized and tempered or quenched and tem-pered. Grades D ...
Grade C castings shall be furnished normalized and tempered or quenched and tempered. Grades D and E castings shall be furnished quenched and tempered. At the purchaser’s request, a certification will be made the basis of acceptance. The certification shall include a statement that the material ...
tempered. Grade C castings shall be furnished normalized and tempered or quenched and tem-tempered. Grade C castings shall be furnished normalized and tempered or quenched and tem-tempered. Grade C castings shall be furnished...
miscellaneoususegradedasA,B,B+,C,D,andE.AARSpecificationM-201providesforallcast- ingsunlessanotherAARspecificationforaparticularproductprovidesforavariation. 2.0BASISOFPURCHASE GradeAcastingsshallbefurnishedunannealed,annealed,ornormalizedunlessotherwisespeci- ...