Enter the number of practice questions you answered correctly on the AAMC Sample Test, and our calculator will provide you with your scaled MCAT exam score.
This week, our MCAT2015 special ops team took the Official MCAT2015 Sample Test. They collectively weighed their experiences with the assessment against what they expected to encounter and we’ve included their debrief below! MST:So, you tackled the AAMC’s Official MCAT2015 Sample Test. From ...
In the admissions process, medical schools want to know as much about the applicant as they can. MCAT scores and GPAs will remain critical to the admissions process, as they inform admissions committees about the academic history and potential of an applicant. The PREview score adds an additiona...
一些关于备考MCAT的资料书 (别人给我推荐的) : 我贴图的前三张:生化基础一般的人比较推荐一套 叫Exam Krackers的参考书 难度适中 (一共六本书, Premed的课程都包含了); AAMC当年出的官方指南 应该是必买的了;也推荐108 MCAT Verbal Practice。其他的就根据个人需要去购买…… ...
Cars MCAT 159個詞語 Anatomy Exam 2 Lecture 9 75個詞語 BIOL 1620 Quiz 1 15個詞語 Bio test 9 17個詞語 Biology 1-3,6 128個詞語 Biology Chapter 22 EVOLUTION 7個詞語 bio 100 lab midterm 79個詞語 Biology Unit 3 50個詞語 Biology keystone ...