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Written by Kaplan experts, reviewed byDom Eggert. Dom is an MCAT Product Manager and the Editor-in-Chief of Kaplan’s industry-leading 7-book MCAT Review series. He has more than two decades of experience in education, including more than a decade helping pre-med students at Kaplan across ...
“3 years’ teaching experience, including one year teaching MCAT classes and tutoring premed students for Examkrackers and Med School Tutors. An interdisciplinary bachelor’s degree in Science, Technology and International Affairs, with coursework in public health. A drive to constantly simplify and...
我贴图的前三张:生化基础一般的人比较推荐一套 叫Exam Krackers的参考书 难度适中 (一共六本书, Premed的课程都包含了); AAMC当年出的官方指南 应该是必买的了;也推荐108 MCAT Verbal Practice。其他的就根据个人需要去购买…… 视频网站的话 Khan Academy有专门的MCAT一栏 视频讲解既生动又形象 (不过据说因为...
點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 -is hydrogen bonding. -Stronger H bonding= move more slowly 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 建立者 Potalas 2年前建立 學生們也學習了 單詞卡學習集 學習指南 AAMC 1 FULL REVIEW- PSYCH/SOC 80個詞語 MCAT Practice Test 7 老師80個詞語 ...
Cars MCAT 159個詞語 Anatomy Exam 2 Lecture 9 75個詞語 BIOL 1620 Quiz 1 15個詞語 Bio test 9 17個詞語 Biology 1-3,6 128個詞語 Biology Chapter 22 EVOLUTION 7個詞語 bio 100 lab midterm 79個詞語 Biology Unit 3 50個詞語 Biology keystone ...
MCAT Official Prep Free Practice Exam (Scored) - Active 173個詞語 Brian_kiarie1 預覽 300 pg psy/soc MCAT review 746個詞語 leo_quinonez 預覽 Sleep 7個詞語 LouiemarV21 預覽 BBH quiz 4 76個詞語 kbh5571 預覽 Social Psych - MC Quiz #7 37個詞語 Bella_Lear24 預覽 Ch 1. Developmental Approac...