AAAI-MAKE 2024 brings together a diverse community of researchers, practitioners, and industry professionals from the fields of machine learning, knowledge engineering, and large language models (LLMs) to explore the synergy between these domains. The symposium aims to address the critical challenges o...
The AAAI-MAKE 2023 symposium brings together researchers and practitioners from machine learning and knowledge engineering to reflect on how combining the two fields can contribute to tackling future societal, environmental, business, and fundamental AI challenges. It aims to provide datasets, ontologies,...
Two years after the first AAAI-MAKE symposium held in 2019 at Stanford University, the 2021 edition was held as a virtual event. The remarkable number of submissions showed a tremendous demand for combined/hybrid AI approaches. These proceedings are a collection of presented papers contrib...
Make AI Everywhere,腾讯AI亮相AAAI-17国际会议 AAAI,中国力量在崛起 AAAI是人工智能领域的最主要学术组织之一,它由计算机科学和人工智能的创始人 Allen Newell, Marvin Minsky和John McCarthy 等人于1979年创立,当时的全称是The American Association for Artificial Intelligence(美国人工智能学会),并于2007年更名为The ...
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aStarting with the animal sound tongue twister and ask the kids, when you get astonished, what you say (Aaaa), how the doney make sound “Aaai, aaaai”, when we get burned, what we say “aaay”, tell the kids when they heard a word starting with a letter of a, they will say th...
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