the 41st International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML, main track), 2024.(深度学习框架、分布外泛化)[b]. Yizun Lin, Yangyu Zhang, Zhao-Rong Lai*, Cheng Li,"Autonomous Sparse Mean-CVaR Portfolio Optimization", the 41st International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML, main track...
近日,创新奇智关于双注意力机制少样本学习的研究论文《Dual Attention Networks for Few-Shot Fine-Grained Recognition》被全球人工智能顶会AAAI 2022接收为Main Track论文。AAAI(The National Conference on Artificial Intelligence)是人工智能领域的主要学术组织之一国际先进人工智能协会(American Association for Artifici...
现在没有相关的统计。我也想了解统计的数据,从哪里找?包括fast track的中稿率,以及safe and robust ...
Focus Areas in the Main Track Beyond the usual keywords, the AAAI-21 main track will highlight three focus areas. These are (1) Neuro-Symbolic AI; (2) AI Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic; and (3) AI for Conference Organization and Delivery. The Conference Committee especially encourages...
Focus Areas in the Main Track Beyond the usual keywords, the AAAI-21 main track will highlight three focus areas. These are (1) Neuro-Symbolic AI; (2) AI Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic; and (3) AI for Conference Organization and Delivery. The Conference Committee especially encourages...
近日,创新奇智关于双注意力机制少样本学习的研究论文《Dual Attention Networks for Few-Shot Fine-Grained Recognition》被全球人工智能顶会AAAI 2022接收为Main Track论文。 AAAI(The National Conference on Artificial Intelligence)是人工智能领域的主要学术组织之一国际先进人工智能协会(American Association for ...
[c]. Yizun Lin, Zhao-Rong Lai*, Cheng Li,“A Globally Optimal Portfolio for m-Sparse Sharpe Ratio Maximization”, the 38th Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems(NeurIPS, main track), 2024.(优化器开发、稀疏学习)
2025年2月25日-2025年3月4日,第39届国际人工智能年会(AAAI2025)将于美国费城举行。清华大学法学院计算法学课题组文章被AAAI Main Conference AI for Social Impact Track录用。AAAI为计算机人工智能领域国际顶级会议,在CCF会议级别列表中...
[c]. Yizun Lin, Zhao-Rong Lai*, Cheng Li,“A Globally Optimal Portfolio for m-Sparse Sharpe Ratio Maximization”, the 38th Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems(NeurIPS, main track), 2024.(优化器开发、稀疏学习)
2月25日至3月4日,人工智能权威会议AAAI25(CCF A类)在美国宾夕法尼亚州费城召开,研究组在main track录用的论文“Community-aware variational autoencoder for continuous dynamic networks”以海报形式参加展示交流活动。该论文针对变分自编码器无法直接应用于连续动态网络社区发现的问题,提出了一种新的变分自编码器CT-...