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K ey w ords :H ART;protocol ;the frequency shift keying ;point 2to 2point ;multi 2drop ;HCF 摘要:H ART (可寻址远程传感器数据公路)协议作为一种高效的通信技术,能充分挖掘数字设备的潜力。在保留传统的4~20mA 模拟信号的同时,H ART 协议开拓了系统与现场智能仪表进行双向数字通信的能力。H ART 协议...
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27 : 28; // parity of y ordinate // // Point corresponding to address ecrecover(0, v, x, s=scalar*x) is // (x⁻¹ mod GROUP_ORDER) * (scalar * x * multiplicand - 0 * g),...
Let's be real: Whenever you meet someone, you check your zodiac compatibility. Smart, honestly. Whether you're a total Gemini, fiery Aries, emotional Pisces, or anything in-between, you know the importance of star signs. And that's why you're getting a trophy because we liked your post...