adj.斜的;偏动的 Rather, the point is to use the results of this study to open up meaningful dialogues on implicit gender bias, be it at a departmental level or an institutional level or even a discipline level. 相反,重点是利用这项研究的结果,就...
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K ey w ords :H ART;protocol ;the frequency shift keying ;point 2to 2point ;multi 2drop ;HCF 摘要:H ART (可寻址远程传感器数据公路)协议作为一种高效的通信技术,能充分挖掘数字设备的潜力。在保留传统的4~20mA 模拟信号的同时,H ART 协议开拓了系统与现场智能仪表进行双向数字通信的能力。H ART 协议...
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it has become a trend for a majority of young people to be busy with work and study. Meanwhile, an increasing number of adult children find it difficult to have adequate time to care and accompany aged parents. A case in point is the ...