1997年8月13日,空客A330—200客机首次试飞成功。 由欧洲空中客车集团研制的A330—200型远程客机13日在法国南部图卢兹进行的首次试飞取得成功。 这架新型客机于上午11时30分起飞,共进行了4个小时的飞行。那么,空客A330—200客机有什么特别之处呢?它是一款由欧洲航空防务和空间公司制造的双引擎中远程宽体客机,...
Benefitting from 20-plus years of continuous incremental innovation, Airbus’ A330-200 is one of the most modern and reliable aircraft in the sky.
由于机身较短的关系,A330-200使用的垂直尾翼比A330-300的高。另外,因A330-200增加中央油箱,其最大起飞重量为242吨,一架拥有三级客舱的A330-200客机,在载有253名乘客的情况下,其续航距离为13,450千米(7,250海里)。 The A330-200 is a shortened, longer-range variant, which entered service in 1998 with...
Focuses on the Airbus A330-200 long-range transport, a shortened fuselage derivative of the Airbus 330-300 that can hold 253 passengers. The role that the A330-200 will play in Airbus' marketing strategy; The A330-200 as a possible successor to the Boeing 767; Money invested by Airbus ...
Max. range8,800 km Max. passengers268 Max. take-off weight233,000 kg Average seat pitch Economy Class79 cm Economy Comfort89 cm World Business ClassFull-flat seat In the aircraft Seat layout Economy Class2-4-2 Seat layout Business Class2-2-2 ...
All-cargo version of the A330-200 Up to 70 ton payload capacity Transcontinental & Transoceanic Range Level cargo deck ideal for pallets Airbus A300-200F Specifications Year of Make:1992 — Manufacturer:Airbus Class:Large Cargo Airliner MTOW: 513,677 lb (233,000 kg) ...
200s cover some impressive distance. Indeed, we're more used to seeing these types of missions performed by larger and/or newer aircraft like the Boeing 787 or 777, or Airbus A380 or A350. So how, exactly, has Qantas modified eight of its Airbus widebodies for these long-range services...
The A330-200 is a shortened version of the Airbus A330, a large-capacity, wide-body, two-engine, medium-to-long-range commercial passenger airliner. It also has variants of freighter and tanker. By March 31, a total of 1,595 A330 had been ordered and 600 delivered. The A330-200 wa...
1. **机型定位与设计特点**:空客A330是一款双发远程中型客机,其设计初衷是为了满足ETOPS(Extended Range Operations,延伸跨水飞行操作)市场的需求。该机型采用了两级客舱布局,最多可搭载440名乘客,显示出其在载客量方面的显著优势。同时,A330保留了A300/A310机型的高效率机身截面设计,这一设计...
Focuses on the Airbus A330-200 long-range transport, a shortened fuselage derivative of the Airbus 330-300 that can hold 253 passengers. The role that the A330-200 will play in Airbus' marketing strategy; The A330-200 as a possible successor to the Boeing 767; Money invested by Airbus ...