Air Berlin (1991) (Berlin Tegel) has announced plans to sell another eight narrowbody aircraft, either from its fleet of A320 or B737NG aircraft, by the end of the year to increase its core capital which had fallen to levels causing concerns by investors recently. Berlin Tegel Air Ber...
参考译文:到2019年,A320neo在与竞争对手波音737 MAX的竞争中占据了60%的市场份额。截至2023年8月,已有超过130个客户共订购了9684架A320neo系列客机,其中已交付的飞机数量为2939架。全球范围内的A320neo机队已经完成了超过550万次飞行,累计飞行时间超过1100万小时,仅发生过一起与机场安全相关或非航空事故相关的机体...
Preliminary results of the study presented reveal the major future aircraft sales markets, as well as the market size for future aircraft generations such as the A320neo/B737max aircraft. In addition, fleet-level performance calculations ... NP Randt - Aviation Technology, Integration, & Operations...
The A319neo is the least popular of the A320neo family. According to sales figures, the A319neo only has orders for 55 aircraft as of 31 January 2019, compared with 4,179 for the A320neo and 2,292 for the A321neo. As for theA318 Baby Bus, which is even smaller than the A319, it...
A320ceo最初与737经典版和MD-80竞争,之后分别与737 Next Generation和MD-90的后继机型竞争,而737 ...
681、Sales tax 销售税 见特许权税与销售税(excise tax vs. sales tax)。 682、Savings function 储蓄函数 显示居民户或国家每一收入水平上相应的储蓄量的函数关系图表。 683、Says law of markets 萨伊市场定律 "供给会创造自己的需求(supply creates its own demand)的理论。J•B•萨伊在 1803年提出,因为...