V616 Mon is the prototypical soft X-ray transient containing a black hole primary. As such it is important to constrain the masses of the binary components. The modeling of the infrared observations of ellipsoidal variations in this system lead to a derived mass of 11.0 Mfor the black hole....
We present spectra of the black hole binary $A0620-00$ taken at ${m H}\alpha$ and ${m H}\beta$ to study the distribution of emission-line flux from its accretion disc. Using the spectra of ${m H}\alpha$, we have measured the K-type companion star's radial velocity semi-amplitud...
THE transient X-ray source A0620—00 reported by Elvis,et al.1was also detected as a transient radio source at a number of observatories2–5at frequencies from 962 to 5,000 MHz. We report here the detection of the source at 408 MHz using the Molonglo radio telescope on August 20, 1975...
(1)Here h0=√GMbhRout is the speci,c angular momentum of the disk matter at the outer radius;δt has dimensions of seconds and normalizes the initial accretion rate;D is a dimensional “dif-fusion constant”depending on theα-parameter, the black hole mass, and the opacity coe,cientκ0...
In this thesis, I report the observations and analysis results for black hole binaries Swift J1753.5-0127 and A0620-00 for their timing properties with Lulin One-meter Telescope (LOT) during 2008 and 09. Swift J175.5-0127 was first observed after its 2005 outburst, and its optical band ...