257 October 23 1975 Observations of A0620 -00 at 962 and 151 MHz FOLLOWING the discovery by the X-ray astronomy group at Leicester University of a large increase in the X-ray flux of A0620 - 00, observations at 962 MHz and 151 MHz have been made at Jodrell Bank. During the period ...
THE transient X-ray source A0620—00 reported by Elvis,et al.1was also detected as a transient radio source at a number of observatories2–5at frequencies from 962 to 5,000 MHz. We report here the detection of the source at 408 MHz using the Molonglo radio telescope on August 20, 1975...
OBSERVATIONS with the Effelsberg 100-m telescope at a frequency of 4,600 MHz have resulted in an improved declination for the radio source believed to be associated with the transient X-ray source A0620–00 (ref. 1). The observations were made on August 24, 1975 with a cooled parametric ...
Using the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph on the Hubble Space Telescope, we have obtained the first FUV spectrum of A0620-00. The observed spectrum is flat in the FUV and very faint (with continuum fluxes \simeq 1e - 17 ergs/cm^2/s/A). We compiled the dereddened, broadband spectral energy...
The X-ray nova A0620 – 00 has been studied with the Ariel V crystal spectrometer/ polarimeter for the presence of X-ray lines and polarization. Upper limits are obtained for the Si XIV, S xv and S XVI lines to a level of less than 2 eV at 3 σ for the sulphur lines and 3·6...
A 0620 – 00, the transient X-ray source identified with 1975 Nova Monocerotis, was observed by the rotation modulation collimator experiment on Ariel V between 1975 August and October. The position of the X-ray source was measured as: $(1950\cdot0)\,\text{RA}\,:\,{6}^\text{h}\,...
In Sect. 2 theoretical aspects of the model are considered.The modeling procedure and general features of the solution are described in Sect.3.Application of the model to the X-ray novae A 0620−00 and GRS 1124−68 follows in Sect.4. ...
与PS00/A0620/6300相关器件 型号 品牌 获取价格 描述 数据表 PS00/A1020/6300 ETC 获取价格 FILTER IEC STECKER ANSCHL 6.35MM 10A PS000DD3D TE 获取价格 The CHAMELEON Adaptable Module for General Purpose, DC Applications PS000DD6D TE 获取价格 The CHAMELEON Adaptable Module for General Purpose...
品牌名称Bulgin 商品型号 PS00/A0620/6300 商品编号 C17602981 包装方式 袋装 商品毛重 1克(g) 商品参数 资料纠错查看类似商品 参数完善中 数据手册PDF 放大查看下载PDF 梯度价格 梯度 售价 折合1袋 1+¥336.48¥13459.2 200+¥134.26¥5370.4 480+¥129.77¥5190.8 ...
We present spectra of the black hole binary $A0620-00$ taken at ${m H}\alpha$ and ${m H}\beta$ to study the distribution of emission-line flux from its accretion disc. Using the spectra of ${m H}\alpha$, we have measured the K-type companion star's radial velocity semi-amplitud...