Modifications of RNA affect its function and stability. RNA editing is unique among these modifications because it not only alters the cellular fate of RNA molecules but also alters their sequence relative to the genome. The most common type of RNA editi
近日,植保学院作物病原真菌功能基因组学创新团队在国际微生物领域权威期刊《mBio》上在线发表了题为“Uncovering Cis-Regulatory Elements Important for A-to-I RNA Editing in Fusarium graminearum” 的研究论文,该研究揭示了影响禾谷镰刀菌中A-to-I RNA编辑发生的多种RNA顺式作用元件,为理解A-to-I RNA编辑的复...
RNA editing is a post-transcriptional alteration of RNA sequences that is able to affect protein structure as well as RNA and protein expression. Adenosine-to-inosine (A-to-I) RNA editing is the most frequent and common post-transcriptional modification in human, where adenosine (A) deamination...
Enzymatic conversion of adenosine to inosine is an RNA editing mechanism for post-transcriptional diversification of mRNA. A new chemical tagging–reverse transcription method leads to the identification of new A-to-I RNA editing sites in the human genom
RNA-editing-inducedvariant peptides in tumorsd Effects of COPA editing on proliferation, migration, andinvasion of cancer cellsAuthorsXinxin Peng, Xiaoyan Xu,Yumeng Wang, ..., Kenneth L. Scott,Han Liang, Gordon B. MillsCorrespondencehliang1@mdanderson.orgIn BriefBy an integrated analysis of TCGA...
Despite limited site diversity, we demonstrate that A-to-I RNA editing contributes to proteomic diversity in breast cancer through changes in amino acid sequences. We validate the presence of editing events at both RNA and protein levels. The edited COPA protein increases proliferation, migration, ...
The post-transcriptional modification of mammalian transcripts by A-to-I RNA editing has beenrecognized as an important mechanism for the generation of molecular diversity and alsoregulates protein function through recoding of genomic information. As the molecular players ofediting are characterized and an...
RNA molecules transmit the information encoded in the genome and generally reflect its content. Adenosine-to-inosine (A-to-I) RNA editing by ADAR proteins converts a genomically encoded adenosine into inosine. It is known that most RNA editing in human takes place in the primate-specific Alu ...
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