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The UniProt Knowledgebase (UniProtKB) acts as a central hub of protein knowledge by providing a unified view of protein sequence and functional information. Manual and automatic annotation procedures are used to add data directly to the database while extensive cross-referencing to more than 120 ...
The UniProt Consortium UniProt: a worldwide hub of protein knowledge Nucleic Acids Res., 47 (2019), pp. D506-D515, 10.1093/nar/gky1049 Google Scholar Tsvetkov et al., 2014 P. Tsvetkov, N. Myers, R. Eliav, Y. Adamovich, T. Hagai, J. Adler, A. Navon, Y. Shaul NADH binds and ...
Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the management of glioma patients around the world. An evidence-based review 2021, Brain Disorders Citation Excerpt : GBM is the most common primary brain tumor, with an individual prevalence of 14.9% of all primary brain tumors [5]. It is considered the most...
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) seriously threatens human health and has been disseminated worldwide. Although there are several treatments for COVID-19, its control is currently suboptimal. Therefore, the development of novel strategies to treat COVID-19 is necessary. Ion channels are located...
Cancer is one of the most frequently diagnosed diseases worldwide, cancer is one of the leading causes of death in the Western world, and omega-3 fatty acids have long been claimed to reduce the risk of certain cancers. Interestingly, studies indicate that people who take the most omega-3s...
GeoNames Worldwide Global Administrative Areas Database (GADM) - Geospatial data organized [...] Homeland Infrastructure Foundation-Level Data Landsat 8 on AWS List of all countries in all languages National Weather Service GIS Data Portal Natural Earth - vectors and rasters of the world [fixme]...
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