A UAV to UAV tracking benchmark 来自dx.doi.org 作者Y Wang,Z Huang,R Laganière,H Zhang,L Ding摘要 Visual object tracking has achieved remarkable progress in recent years. However, current research in the vision comm... 出版源 Elsevier ...
UAV trackingUAV simulatorAerial object trackingIn this paper, we propose a new aerial video dataset and benchmark for low altitude UAV target tracking, as well as, a photo-realistic UAV simulator that can be coupled with tracking methods. Our......
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) offers lots of applications in both commerce and recreation. With this, monitoring the operation status of UAVs is crucially important. In this work, we consider the task of tracking UAVs, providing rich information such as location and trajectory. To facilitate resear...
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UAV-reID has two settings: Temporally-Near to evaluate performance across views to assist tracking frameworks, and Big-to-Small to evaluate reID performance across scale and to allow early reID when UAVs are detected from a long distance. We conduct a benchmark study by extensively evaluating ...
The dataset can be used to train deep learning models for automatically detecting and classifying pavement distresses using UAV images. In addition, the dataset can be used as a benchmark to evaluate the performance of different algorithms for solving tasks such as object detection, image ...
(UAVs) has opened a new frontier of computer vision that requires automated analysis of aerial images/videos. However, the existing UAV datasets primarily focus on object detection. An object detector does not differentiate between the moving and non-moving objects. Given a real-time UAV video ...
Human behavior understanding with unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) is of great significance for a wide range of applications, which simultaneously brings an urgent demand of large, challenging, and comprehensive benchmarks for the development and evaluation of UAV-based models. However, existing benchma...
本工具包主要用于目标跟踪中使用UAV拍摄的数据集的运行和评估,包括UAV123、UAV123_20L、UAV123_10fps、DTB70、UAVDT以及VisDrone2018-SOT-test-dev共6个数据集。 以下为6个数据集的主要属性: DatasetOverall framesAverage framesSequences numberPaper UAV123 112,578 915.27 123 "A Benchmark and Simulator for ...