Transverse Waves Propagating Along AN Applied Magnetic Field in a Plasmaphysicsalfven wavesdensitydistributionelectronsequationsionsmagnetic fieldsmassmotionNot Availabledoi:10.1139/p64-084Burgess, R. E.Cook, J. G.Canadian Journal of Physics
A wave travelling along the x-axis is described by the equation v(x, t) = 0.005 cos(alpha x - betat). If the wavelength and the time period of the wave are 0.
26 have studied the dynamics of a particle in a focused wave with both co-propagating and counter-propagating initial conditions. It is found that energy gain occurs for the co-propagating case whereas energy loss occurs for the counter-propagating case. Both ponderomotive effect and radiation ...
The plasma response to an externally driven low‐frequency electrostatic wave, propagating perpendicularly to a uniform and static magnetic field, is investigated by means of a kinetic code, which solves the Vlasov equation for ions coupled to the Poisson equation. The aim of the investigation is ...
Externally driven, vertically polarized transverse dust-lattice waves were observed in a one-dimensional strongly coupled dust chain levitated in the plasma-sheath boundary of a dc argon plasma at low gas pressure around 5 mtorr. Real and imaginary parts of the complex wave number were measured in...
This effect has been achieved upon fine tuning of the polariton nonlinearity and proper balance of the positive/negative effective mass ratios along the transverse/long- itudinal directions. Using ultrafast digital holography, the experiments show the initial pulse reshaping and propagating, which ...
Here we shall discuss the reflection and transmission phenomenon of coupled longitudinal wave at a plane interface between two microstretch elastic solid half-spaces in perfect contact. Let the interface be along x-axis and z-axis is taken to be along the direction pointing vertically downward. We...
The sensitivity in the structural response towards different main wave directions and spreading exponents is investigated and includes both transverse and vertical displacement response spectra and extreme Von Mises stress in the bridge girder cross-section. The extreme response is based on an accuracy ...
The standard cancellation of UV singularities requires the renormalization of field wave-functions and couplings. In the FDU formalism, this feature is obtained through the construction of local UV counter-terms. At one loop, the scenario where massless and massive particles are propagating in the ...
Rubidium atoms are laser cooled inside the cavity and then allowed to fall under gravity for a duration of Tfall, guided tightly along the cavity axis by a hollow (Laguerre–Gauss LG01-like) blue-detuned optical dipole guide51 with thermal r.m.s. cloud transverse radius of rr.m.s. =...