She did not hear the story as many women have heard the same, with a paralyzed inability to accept its significance. She wept at once, with sudden, wild abandonment, in her sister's arms. When the storm of grief had spent itself she went away to her room alone. She would have no on...
玛劳德太太:我玛劳德先生: 钱导仆人/情人:全剪辑后期字幕配乐:钱剧本:我们仨, 视频播放量 1016、弹幕量 0、点赞数 27、投硬币枚数 11、收藏人数 19、转发人数 52, 视频作者 西班牙的雨-, 作者简介 ,相关视频:28岁美女交友,原何泪洒舞台,还有什么比死亡更遗憾的故事吗?
A story of an hour A Story of an Hour Knowing that Mrs. Mallard was afflicted1 with(折磨) a heart trouble, great care was taken to break to her as gently as possible the news of her husband's death. It was her sister Josephine who told her, in broken sentences, ...
A-Story-of-an-Hour教学内容课件.ppt,A Story of an Hour Kate Chopin Author Kate Chopin, born?Katherine OFlaherty?(February 8, 1850 — August 22, 1904), was an American author of?short stories?and novels. She is now considered by some to have been a forerun
the story of an hour原文及翻译如下:Knowina that Mrs. Mallard was afflicted with a heart trouble areat care was taken to break to her as gentlv aspossible the news of her husband's death.It was her sister Josephine who told her in broken sentences; veiled hinits that ...
Free Essay: In Kate Chopin’s , “A Story of An Hour,” many questions can be asked with very few answers given. The first that grabs the reader's attention is...
astoryofanhour译文astoryofanhour译文 《An Story of an Hour》是美国作家凯特·肖普林的短篇小说,讲述了一个女人接到丈夫死讯后的心理变化。故事中的女主人公,Mrs. Mallard,得知丈夫死于一场事故后,起初陷入悲痛之中,但随后却感到一种前所未有的自由和解脱。她开始幻想着自己将会过上自由自在的生活,然而当她...
InTheStoryofanHour,theauthorKateshowedusthementalandphysicalresponsesofMrs. Mallardaftersheheardofthenewsofherhusband‘sdeathinarailroaddisaster. TheheroineMrs.Mallardhadhearttrouble.Whensheheardofherhusband‘sdeathinarailroad disaster,―sheweptatonce,withsudden,wildabandonment,inhersister'sarms.‖Afterthestorm...
A-Story-of-an-HourPPT课件 AStoryofanHour KateChopin - 1 Author KateChopin,bornKatherineO'Flaherty(February8,1850—August22,1904),wasanAmericanauthorofshortstoriesandnovels.Sheisnowconsideredbysometohavebeenaforerunneroffeministauthorsofthe20thcentury.From1892to1895,shewroteshortstoriesforbothchildrenand...