adhigama adhocadvisorygroupona adhoccommitteeofthein adhoccommitteeonrefug adhantidiuretic hormo adi - adi eldar adi group aditemp analog to dig adiabatic expansion c adiabatic fluctuation adiabatic optics adiabatic reactor adiabatic transformat adiabatichypothesis adiantklum capillus-j adiantum soboliferum...
and other government officials is a key factor that affects the level of economic activity. these services are simply included in GDP at their cost (e.g., wages paid) with no value added attributed to the production process. 这些服务通常以其成本(工资)计入GDP。
in equities could incur significant losses due to higher fluctuation of equity values. The Fund may invest in debt securities that are subject to actual or perceived ratings downgrade. An increase in interest rates may adversely affect the value of the bonds held by the Fund. The Fund may ...
At the same time, these positive effects are not very strong in the short run due to the adjustment costs, yet it has a positive impact in the medium and long run (Bloom, 2014). 2.1. Economic policy uncertainty (EPU) and innovation investment R&D is one of the essential types of ...
We choose a time horizon of one week because it provides insight into changes in the correlation structure on a much finer time scale. This enables us to identify a short sub-period within the 2008–2009 crisis (in the beginning of 2009) during which the market temporarily stabilizes before ...
Several other drilling issues such as fluid influx and pipe sticking can be triggered in such scenarios, posturing a significant risk to rig personnel, environment, and economical drilling. Therefore, prediction and early detection of lost circulation events are required for safe and economic drilling...
“Anode-free” cells are also subject to larger volume fluctuation between charge and discharge (i.e., reversible and irreversible cell swelling, also termed “breathing”)125, which can require high stack pressures, and also lead to complex integration at the battery pack level. However, ...
When a currency increases in value, it experiences appreciation; when it falls in value ,it undergoes depreciation. Definition of Foreign Exchange transactions Purchases and sales of foreign exchanges with a purpose to meet the needs of a certain economic activity. ...
The cavitation bubble's radial motion concentrates energy and essentially generates the physical and chemical processes that cavitation causes. The system's pressure fluctuation profile is the primary source of the radial motion. In contrast to oscillatory behavior in non-turbulent situations, bubble ...
There is a strong case to integrate employment considerations into electricity sector planning and smooth development profiles to reduce the severity of boom-bust cycles. There is a higher level of fluctuation inherent to construction-based sectors such as renewable energy, which can be significantly ...