Today's Scripture ReadingsFebruary, 16 2025/February, 3 2025 Sunday of the Prodigal Son Kontakion, Tone III Having foolishly abandoned Thy paternal glory, I have squandered on vices the wealth Thou gavest me. Therefore I cry to Thee, O compassionate Father, receive me who repent, and treat ...
and save your soul and say hurtful thing and say youll come an and scripture says of and seasons and secret between hi and sees food safety and select proper and sell cds and semeias the son o and setbacks and several kidney ch and share it with the and she didnt know so and she ...
as requested use othe as required as scripture teaches as selma as she was only one w as slient as the grav as small units as so much baloney as social development as soft summer wind as soon as you adapt as soon as your born as sorrowful yet alwa as standing on as stupidsilly as ...
Workers of Wonders: A Model for Effective Religious Leadership from Scripture to TodayWhy do people follow a leader, particularly a religious leader? Is it because of personality, or a particular vision or set of values, or perhaps a felt need for direction or authority? And why, given that...
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For those who celebrate Christmas with a religious focus, incorporating a cherished scripture or religious quote can be meaningful. Phrases like “Peace on Earth and goodwill to all” or “May your Christmas be filled with the light of Christ” resonate deeply. Be respectful and considerate of ...
I’m sure there are many ways to study Scripture with your children, but one of my favorite tools to use with Ben is a Scripture word study. This is a method I often use to get to the heart of the meaning of specific verses that I hope will become especially meaningful for Ben. ...
There are so many more; 365 fear not statements in scripture, one for each day. Necessary for encouragement to the heart and mind of a Christian. A believer that has humility and fears the Lord will be blessed with safety, life and wisdom in truth. ...
Read, hear, and study Scripture at the world's most-visited Christian website. Grow your faith with devotionals, Bible reading plans, and mobile apps.
Finally, I ask your indulgence to talk about my novel Life and Death Are Wearing Me Out. The Chinese title comes from Buddhist scripture, and I’ve been told that my translators have had fits trying to render it into their languages. I...