Commentary on Today's Verse Commentary on 1 John 4:7-13 (Read1 John 4:7-13 The Spirit of God is the Spirit of love. He that does not love the image of God in his people, has no saving knowledge of God. For it is God's nature to be kind, and to give happiness. The law of...
Your Daily Bible Verse is a daily podcast where we dive deeper into Scripture, re-examining your favorite verses and getting to the heart of the message of God’s Word. Your Daily Bible Verse is a production fromBible Study Toolsand
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This verse highlights the communal aspect of engaging with Scripture, promoting mutual edification and worship.In summary, the importance of Scripture is evident in its role as the inspired Word of God, providing revelation, guidance, and transformation for believers. It is the foundation for ...
Consistent Scripture Memory Today Youcanmemorize more Scripture. The Word of God is powerful and important. We know we should store it in our hearts, but it's so hard. What if I told you it doesn't have to be? That's why I built the Scripture Memory Toolkit. ...
As the verse for today says, it’s not about the good service that we do to our fellow Men, it’s about the good service that we do for God, for the sake of God – and we can do nothing for the sake of God unless we are doing it because weloveGod. Not because we want to ...
For nearly 20 years I studied the scriptures with a homemade simplified version of this program. I had the scriptures with a note field to the side of every verse, and I could perform a Boolean search (multiple conditions - I'll teach you how easy it is) on the scriptures and load al...
Today's Verse Jesus travelled all the way from Galilee to be baptised of John in the Jordan. It was not a baptism of repentance for which John was commissioned of God (in order to prepare the nation of Israel for their coming Messiah), but in order to fulfil all righteousness. The you...
-Once a month for a year-Annually *Independent Pause Scheduler pauses the schedule on days when you don't use the appOther features-Email your verse lists (Today's Verses/All Verses)-Stats-Leaderboards-Achievements-Synthesized voice playback of verses for memorizing while you drive-Save verses ...
Listen to Your Daily Bible Verse and dive deeper into Scripture, re-examining your favorite verses and getting to the heart of the message of God’s Word.