This love deep in my heart is still ali-ive深埋在我心中的这份爱仍然蠢蠢欲动 I'll pick a rose for my Rose我会给我的罗斯带去一枝玫瑰 'Cause today I'm gonna go因为今天我就要启程 And bring her back to stay right by my side把她带回来 待在我身旁 I'm comin' Ro-o-ose I'm ...
This love deep in my heart is still alive I'll pick a rose for my Rose 'cause today I'm gonna go And bring her back to be right by my side I'm comin' Rose, I'm comin' Rose Now that I, I walk slowly from this garden ...
marv johnson - I'll Pick a Rose for My Rose (Motorcity Version)
双膝再也无法支撑,我扑通一下跪倒在地。 我的艾莎,我的艾莎,我的艾莎…… 字条从我的指缝间滑下,飘落在地,露出了背面的两行小字—— “我爱你, 欢迎回家。” ——《献给艾莎的一朵玫瑰花(A Rose for My Elsa)》正篇《安娜的记忆(The Memory of Anna)》·完...
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给艾莎的一朵玫瑰花 A Rose for My Elsa 第二十一章 第二十一章耳朵试验话语,好像上膛尝食物。——《旧·伯》34:3冷,由内而外的冷。当我看到那家熟悉的咖啡店时,同样熟悉的寒冷便伴随着记忆一并产生。这股冷并非来自外界,仿佛是源于心里,让我的周身充盈着刺骨的寒意。我把艾莎送我的玻璃球按在胸口,希望...
A-Rose-for-Emily-完整版译文一、 爱米丽·格利尔逊小姐走了,全镇地人都去送葬:男人们是出于敬慕之情,因为一座丰碑倒塌了;女人们大多出于好奇之心,都想到爱米丽屋里看个究竟.除了一个园丁兼厨师地上了年纪地男仆外,至少已经十年都没有人进去看过了. 那是一幢曾经漆成白色地方形大木屋,圆圆地顶阁,尖尖地塔顶,...
Discover Forever Roses. Experience the beauty of long-lasting roses that never fade. Perfect for unforgettable gifts that last a lifetime, our preserved roses offer timeless elegance and make ideal gifts for any special occasion.
7.Men have forgotten this truth. But you must not forget it. You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed. You are responsible for your rose… 人们早已忘记了这个道理。可是你不应将它遗忘。你必须永远对自己所驯服的东西负责。你要...