a rose for family赏析a rose for family赏析 A Rose for Emily——William Faulkner Main character: Emily: proud, cold, stubborn, extreme, manipulate Father: possessive and domineering, patriarchic HomerBarron:Yankee, unreliable, symbol of life, vigor, freedom and change Tobe: loyal, devoted, hard...
a rose for familiy 背景 ARoseforEmily Background Speaker:袁晓宁王群群Informationcollectors:白娟王闪闪程辉毛梦迪 ARoseforEmily ThisstoryisFaulkner'sfirstshortstorypublishedin1930.Itisabizarre(离奇的)storyaboutanoldeccentric(古怪的)ladyinanAmericanSoutherntown.ThestoryexpressestheconfrontationoftheoldSouth...
1、A Rose For Emily,Willam Faulkner,About Author-Willam Faulkner,Life Achievements Career Regarded as one of the leading American writers in the literary history of the United States A representative of the writers using stream of consciousness(意识流,Achievements,Works are famous for multiple (多...
A Rose for Family of US Plantation Owner Executed by CastroMIAMI * One of Miami's oldest cemeteries is so close to the FidelCastro death celebrations at...Lush, Tamara
(6)They rose when she entered--a small, fat woman in black, with a thin gold chain descending to her waist and vanishing into her belt, leaning on an ebony cane with a tarnished gold head. Her skeleton was small and spare; perhaps that was why what would have been merely plumpness in...
(1) What do Rose and her family do? ( )A. Clean the park. B. Go for a picnic. C. Play outside. D. Take photos. (2) What can't Rose and her family do in the park? ( ) E. Cook food. F. Take a walk on the road. G. Take photos. . Have fun in the park. (3) ...
He could give me no employment, having little to do, and help enough already; but says he,"My son at Philadelphia has lately lost his principal hand, Aquila Rose, by death; if you go thither, I believe he may employ you." Philadelphia was a hundred miles further; I set out, however...
从翻译的角度和读者的角度,个人感觉标题译为“悲情玫瑰”更好,因为全文中唯一出现rose(玫瑰)的地方是小说的第五部分中(171)A thin, acrid pall as of the tomb seemed to lie everywhere upon this room decked and furnished as for a bridal: upon the valance curtains of faded rose color, upon the ros...
“a rose for Emily”. Easily, we could link the two with the author William Faulkner at the same time, and consider that it is the author that “witnesses” the event and admire Miss Emily and wants to give her a rose. But that simplistic explanation would largely distort the story. ...