In the short story "A Rose for Emily", the description of Emily's old - fashioned house is used to do what? A. Just to show her poverty B. To reflect her old - fashioned ideas and her isolation from the outside world C. To show the beauty of the architecture D. To prove that ...
1英语翻译美国作家William Faulkner的短篇小说A Rose For Emily中的玫瑰,被认为是美国文学史上最鬼魅也最感伤的一朵(the most haunting yet the most sentimental),然而实际上小说从头到尾,都没有这朵花儿的出现.福克纳献给艾米莉小姐的玫瑰,其实是唱给约克纳帕塌法世系逝去往昔的一首哀 歌,南方贵族曾经的荣光渐已...
A_Rose_for_Emily_完整版译文A Rose for Emily William Faulkner 【故事梗概】 爱米莉•格瑞尔生死了,镇里的人都参加了她的葬礼。男人们出于敬慕,而大多数女人则出于好奇,她们想进死者生前的屋子里去看看,因为那屋子除了一个黑人男仆外,至少已经有10年没有任何人进去看过了。 30年前,爱米莉小姐的父亲去世,...
(完整版)A_Rose_for_Emily_完整版译文A Rose for Emily William Faulkner 【故事梗概】 爱米莉•格瑞尔生死了,镇里的人都参加了她的葬礼。男人们出于敬慕,而大多数女人则出于好奇,她们想进死者生前的屋子里去看看,因为那屋子除了一个黑人男仆外,至少已经有10年没有任何人进去看过了。 30年前,爱米莉小姐的...
🌙关于本书——关于死亡、抵制变革和孤独入骨的南方哥特式故事 《献给艾米丽的一朵玫瑰》(1930年)首次发表于《论坛》杂志。威廉·福克纳的这篇小说以非线性风格展开,以虚构的杰斐逊镇的一位名人艾米丽的葬礼为开端,然后回溯她的生活片段,以及她每况愈下的健康状况和
第35篇 A Rose for Emily 献给埃米莉的玫瑰作者:威廉·福克纳(William Faulkner)主题:时代变化中落后文化造化的悲剧 Thus she passed from generation to generation—— dear, inescapable, impervious, tranquil, and perverse 她就这样看着一代又一代人的来来去——她冷艳高贵,无处不在,特立独行,安静冷僻,刚愎乖...
Summary of“A Rose for Emily” In his short story“A Rose for Emily”, William Faulkner tells the life and death of Miss Emily Grierson.The story begins with the description of Miss Emily's funeral. Town people all came to her house: menout ofrespects and women for curiosity. There had...
aroseforemily段落概括 《A Rose for Emily》是美国作家威廉·福克纳创作的一部短篇小说。故事发生在19世纪末的南方小镇,主要讲述了女主角艾米莉·格里森的一生。 故事以艾米莉年老死去的场景为起点,随后回溯到她的青年时期。艾米莉是一个身份高贵、富有的年轻女子,但她却过着与众不同的生活。在长时间与父亲共同生活...
William Faulkner's "A Rose for Emily" was originally published in the April 30, 1930, issue of Forum. It was his first short story published in a major magazine. A slightly revised version was published in two collections of his short fiction, These 13 (1931) and Collected Stories (1950...
A-rose-for-Emily文章赏析 Analysis of "A Rose for Emily"姓名:*** 学号:*** 班级*** Like so many American writers, Faulkner found himself again and again writing short stories, some of which are considered as equally important as his best novels. Good as his short stories are, they see...